A Change of Heart

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I would admit, Prince Deveroux is an annoying, arrogant little peacock. But as things would turn out, I judged him too quickly. I realized that he is actually a very fun person to be with. He is actually the chairperson for " Save the Children" foundation in our city. He only had one girlfriend, and that was the girl who dumped him the other night. (sorry!) He doesn't let the servants work for him, he wants to do all things by himself. He likes to read a lot of books and is a very smart person, mind you.

Now, I'm not saying I am falling for the guy. He is still arrogant to me. Boasting about the broken hearts he left behind, all the girls he dated and kissed, and all the love letters he sent. Now, don't get me wrong. You might wonder why I know all of these stuff. He just calls me to meet him on the palace grounds and we would just talk about his life as a "commoner prince." Yup, he calls himself that. Funny, right?

And I have to admit, everyday my heart beats like a jackrabbit whenever he calls. Weird. But I let the feeling pass and would just go with the flow. But something made it beat even faster than the usual when he asked the question: " wanna go out with me?"

" Uhh... I guess" I choked.

" What do you mean? Are you forbidden to go out on a date? Because I will ask your mom myself." he said in a very calm tone.

"OH GOSH! DON'T!" i panicked. He has the guts to ask my mom to ask me on a date? the nerve!

" you don't have to ask my mom. I say YES." that felt strange. It was like telling myself that that was the best answer I gave. Again, weird.


" WOW. " the place was huge! I don't have to eat because I felt I could eat the place down! The walls were cold marble, the floor was alabaster stone. And don't ask why i know all of these stuff. Okay, he told me.

And now, we ate.

" Oh my, this food is HEAVENLY! Where do you get little bits of heaven?" I asked, with my mouth full.

" Oh." he laughed. " The cook's awesome. We had to hire him from France." he replied.

" France?! I can cook! Why go looking for a cook in France, when you can find one in front of you?" I joked.

" Well, you already have a place here." he answered.

" Wait a minute, will I become your maid? A lady-in-waiting? I hope not." i said.

" Oh, no. Of course, not. You're better than that." he replied.

" A Butler??!!!" i cried.

" Heck , no! " he laughed and looked at me in a way i can't describe.

His eyes were sparkling like the softdrink in my glass, he brushed a few strands of my hair away from my face, and said: " you could be my chimney sweeper."

" I hate you, Prince Deveroux." i said.

" Well, i love you, miss Yvanne." he said.

I stopped and looked at him to see if he was joking. He wasn't.

I stood up and bid my goodbye, but he caught my hand and stole a peck on my cheek!

I froze in shock, and I could hardly speak.

" Goodnight miss Yvanne. Pleasant Dreams." he said

" Uh-huh.." was my reply.

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