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Aphmaus pov

I hear ukulele sounds coming from katelyns room. I'm a  curious person so I am going to check I open the door to see katelyn playing the tune to house of gold I join in with the song and sit down next to her as we
get to the chorus she joins in her voice was beautiful.
" BECOME SOMEONE!!" I yell I think I might of scared her she stopped playing and laughed
"Nice singing, aph and I didn't know you had that in you" she laughed I laugh

She grabbed my hands and pulled me into a  kiss I didn't pull away instead I joined in. We finally pulled away for air....
"aphmau do you wanna watch a movie?" She asked
I nodded my head
We head down stairs as I go to the TV katelyn goes to the kitchen to get snacks. I get a horror movie as katelyn loves horrors.

~After teh movie~

I huddle up to katelyn. she's warm. It's comforting.
"Aphmau it's midnight I think we should get some sleep." She said
"OK" I smile

3rd pov

After hours of aphmau tossing and turning in her bed she decided to go to katelyns room
She opens the door
A: Katelyn...
She says tiptoeing closer
K: mmm what.?
A: can I sleep w/ you please?
A: thank you

Katelyn slept with her back against the wall
Aphmau snuggled up to her and fell asleep

In teh morning

Katelyn woke up first and went down stairs to make breakfast

Aphmau woke up to the smell of WAFFLES!!!!

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