This is my fandom and otp. these won't be based on aphmaus personality of the characters inthe series. I would also like to day the firsuit names mentioned in this fanfic aren't mine only 2 and the other are amazing furs and Lol its also mature bec...
Aphmau got out of bed and got dressed katelyn was out for a run when she saw ivy Ivy ran up to katelyn and said " aww it's been 5 years since high school and you still look ugly" " oh sorry I didn't know I was a mirror. May be try getting your eyes checked and get out of my way" with that said she pushed ivy away and went home.
Aphmaus pov
I was cooking breakfast when hands wrapped around my waist " I'm back" she kissed my neck " how was it " I asked " I roasted Ivy when she thought she was being slick and I saw a squirrel" she said quite proud of herself I giggle
2 hours later
" Aphmauuu~~~" katelyn says " what" I ask "I have a present for you" PRESENTS I LOVE PRESENTS " Ooooo!!!!!" She pulls our tickets a FurCon yay " we better get packing our fursuits and stuff cos it's tommorow" she says running up stairs I follow her i grab my suit case and suit and stuff Katelyn helps me take my suit case down stairs
I wake up bright and early waking up katelyn We grab some food and head to the car she puts our stuff in the boot and we drive to con We registered at the office and get our room katelyn informs me about her dance later that evening We both help each other get into our suits
My suit was a purple cat with white and black spots with black paws and nose
Katelyns suit was bass
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