moving IN

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Aphmau, Katelyn and kawaii change were moving in to a fabulous house

Katelyn:"Looks pretty good."
Aphmau: " heh.yeh"
Katelyn:" I'm going to take my boxes now."
As Katelyn got some boxes (aphmaus boxes) she wondered what the big one was but Katelyn would never snoop on aphmau (unlike kawaii chan * cough* WHAT NOTHING) as Katelyn put the boxes down aphmau says " claiming this room for yourself I see"
"NOPE these are your boxes" katelyn replied
"Huh thanks katelyn" aphmau smiled

~time skip motherfuckah~

Katelyns pov

"Gahhhh WHY ARE FURSUITS SO HEAVY." I thought as I put the heads and feet/paws in a box as the body suits hanging in my wardrobe.

3rd pov

Aphmau was in her room as katelyn was going to check if she was OK. As katelyn opened the door a slight bit she was aphmau walking around doing musical.lys. "APHMAU" katelyn shouted aphmau squealed. All of that was recorded and posted . "Katelynnnn" aphmau whined "what" replied katelyn nonchalantly

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