Chapter 9

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Zac's POV

I'm glad that Marissa and Zaciah aren't mad at me and Vanessa,and I can tell she is too. The kids ran off to go hang out with Ashley,Dylan,and Stella." I'm glad they finally know" Vanessa says hugging me." So am I, so I was thinking,since I don't know much about the kids,how about we all go on a family day tomorrow,just us four." I say,hugging her back." That would be nice,I'm still so sorry about keeping them from you,Zac."
"It's fine,V,if I was in your position I probably would've done the same thing."

"So,anything you want to know about the kids in advance?"

"Sure,what's their full names?"

"Well Marissa's full name is Madeline Marissa Efron Hudgens and Zaciah's is Zaciah Lucas Efron Hudgens. Just a head's up,they don't know that they have your last name. It's written on their birth certificates but I've never shown them theirs."

"Why does Marissa like to go by her middle name and not Madeline?"

"She's always liked the name Marissa since she could talk,so when I told her,her middle name was Marissa,she wanted to be called that instead."

"What should we all do tomorrow? What do the kids like to do?"

"I know they both love the arcade down the street, we could take them there and then we go see that new Disney movie they both want to see and then we can go out and have dinner."

I chuckled." You have it all planned out don't you?" I asked standing up from her bed where I was sitting,and taking her into my arms in a hug." I've been planning for this day ever since we moved away." Vanessa says quietly." I've felt bad about that day ever since it happened. I had just taken a test to see if I actually was pregnant again,when I saw the two lines,i didn't know what to think. I knew I couldn't possibly keep my bump away from you again or hide two kids away from you. Hiding Marissa from you was hard enough. I spent weeks thinking about my options, until finally about a month after, I finally made my decision to leave with Marissa. I knew it would hurt us both but it was either that or risk you quitting your job. I could never let you pick me over your job, Zac." She says with tears streaming down her face." It's ok,V, I understand why you did what you did,it's not your fault." I say cradling her deeper In my arms." When I first found out I was pregnant with Marissa I was so scared Zac. I wanted to tell you,I honestly did. But I knew if I did,you might leave me or hate me for putting this burden on you when we were so young. It was either I end up hurting you in the future or you hurting me, I knew I wouldn't be able to take either but I had to make a choice." Vanessa chokes out." V,look at me" I say tilting her chin up." I would never leave you for giving me a child,even before I knew that I wanted to spend my life with you, so don't ever think that I would leave you,you could tell me your darkest,deepest secret and I wouldn't be mad with you." I say. We stand there gazing into each other's eyes until... someone knocked on the door." Guys?" Dylan asked "everyone decent?" He asked before opening the door." What do you want Dyl?" I asked,annoyed." Sorry for interrupting,but V there's someone at the door for you." Dylan said before leaving the room." I should go get the door,I'll be right back" Vanessa says before pecking me on the cheek and leaving the room.

Vanessa's POV

I rushed to the door to find Austin standing there." What are you doing here Austin?" I asked,nervously. I had completely forgotten about mine and Austin's deal." What not excited to see me,V?" Austin asks." Don't call me that, Austin,now what are you doing here?"" I'm here to remind you about our deal,you do remember it right?"

"Of course I remember it,but why is it so important to you? Why is hurting me making you so happy?"

"It's not you that I'm trying to hurt,it's Zac,I've loved you since the day we met 16 years ago and have never stopped. But Zac has been the one to step in the way of us so that's why I made the deal with you."

"Austin,you and I will never be together! I love Zac and he loves me! We have a family together,my kids never got to meet their dad until yesterday because of our stupid deal! What we had Austin,was just a stupid little kiss 16 years ago between two twelve year olds. I love Zac and I always will,not you." I say before closing the door. My phone vibrated in my pocket so I pulled it out and read it.

Austin: Our deal still isn't over,V

"What am I going to do?" I whisper.


Until next time...


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