Chapter 25

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Vanessa's POV

Me,Zac,Ashley,Lucas,Corbin,Monique and Olesya all hugged each other and me,Ash,Monique and Olesya started crying. We all decided to pack up our things and go back to the house.

"How did you guys find out where we live? I mean did you guys fly here all the way from the US?" I asked after we had all gotten to the house and settled down in the living room.
"Nah,I happened to be here on a trip for a show I'm in,and Marissa had somehow gotten my number and called me telling me the situation and asked me to call the others to come here. So I called them and they all managed to get flights that got here yesterday." Corbin explained.

"How'd you get his number?" I asked Marissa who was sitting on the carpet in front of the couch me,Zac and Ashley were sitting on.
"I overheard you talking to him on the phone and Skylar's dad happens to work for the phone company and he managed to get me a list of the numbers and the days that you had called or received calls from in the past week on your phone. Then I called the numbers that you had called on the day you were talking to him and he happened to be the second person I called."
Marissa revealed

"I'm impressed,you should be a detective when you grow up Sweetie." I praised "by the way how are Jackson and Skylar? You haven't hung out with them in a while."

"Oh uh with everything going on I haven't really had the time to hang out with them outside of school,but I did see them when we went to the aquarium yesterday."

"That's good,you should hang out with them more." I said

"Oh shoot,I got to go I have an appointment at 4." Ashley said,standing up

"Oh do you need a ride?" Zac offered
"No it's ok,it's not far from here so I'm just going to walk."

"'Kay see ya!" We all called.

Ashley's POV

I grabbed my jacket and purse off the coffee table by the front door then made my way to the hospital, 2 blocks away.

Once I got there I confirmed my appointment and filled out some paperwork in the waiting room where 5 other people were.
"Mrs.Ashley Tisdale?" A nurse asked, "That's me" I replied,standing up.
"Follow me"

I followed her down a few corridors before going into a room filled with all different hospital materials and tools inside.
"Dr.Royce will be with you shortly" the nurse said,checking somethings on her clipboard.
"Ok thank you" I said.
The nurse left after taking the papers I had filled out.I sat on one of the white plastic chairs that was lined up against the wall." Mrs.Tisdale?" Dr.Royce asked,stepping into the room.
"Yes?" I looked up from my phone where I had been checking some emails.

"I'm Dr.Royce,I understand you'd like to take a pregnancy test today?" The doctor said,sitting down at her desk by the door.
"Could you give me some of the reasons why you think that?"
"Yes,um,well I haven't gotten my menstrual cycle in 2 months ,I threw up yesterday and I took a pregnancy test yesterday that came out positive." I explained to the doctor.

"Well those seem like promising symptoms.You can take this cup into the bathroom over there" Dr.Royce explained,taking a cup out of a drawer in her desk and handing it to me before pointing to the door in the left corner of the room.
"And then you can urinate into the cup and hand it back to me after."

I went into the bathroom and sat down on the toilet and waited for the pee to trickle into the cup. Once I was done I  pulled my pants back up and stepped out of the bathroom.

"Finished?" Dr.Royce asked while checking something off her clipboard.
"Ok,you can leave the cup on the desk and I'll send you the results by the end of the week."
"Ok,thank you."

Hey Guys!
I'm so sorry for not updating in a long time,but I just honestly don't know what to put in the story anymore,I do know what's going to happen from now on but the chapters might still be updated weeks apart if that makes sense.

So that's pretty much all I have to say so yeah

Until Next Time...


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