Chapter 7: Sebastian?

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Short chapter :P Enjoy!


"Hey" Alec said plopping down beside Jace. They were sitting in the same place that they always did. It was in the shade under the big oak tree high up on the hill so they could be overlooking everyone else.

"So I talked to the new girl." Jace deadpanned, sparing a glance at his brother before going back to his lunch.

"Hi Alec, how was your day thus far..." Alec mimicked under his breath, his tone showing signs of annoyance.

Jace's light hazel eyes seemed to look right through Alec. He blinked once, twice, three times before saying with a mouthful of food and a dramatic sigh, "Hi honey how was your day?"

Alec rolled his eyes and told Jace to just go on with what he was saying about the new girl.

"Well, if you insist. Her name is Clarissa Fray, Clary for short and she moved here with her mom and step-dad and she had a best friend here names Simon." He took another bite of food, "And we're paired together for that beyond dumb project." Jace licked the remaining food from his fingers.

Sucking on each of them individually completely oblivious to what he was doing to Alec. Alec's eyes stayed on the movement; he gulped causing his Adams apple to bob up and down. His blue eyes stayed on Jace just a tad longer than they should have.

"Oh super?" Alec knew who Simon was because they had talked once or twice but nothing major. Alec thought he was nice enough.

"You don't sound so thrilled for me Alec." Somewhere off in the distance Jace spotted Isabelle talking to Clary and immediately perked up.

"I'm partners with Sebastian." Alec wanted to rip Jace's attention away from the small little red head and he knew this would do the trick.

"Douche!" Jace's attention snapped back to Alec but that was the only word he said. Alec didn't know whether the word was directed at him or Sebastian but he didn't get to ask before Jace jumped up and added, "I think I'm going to ask her to the dance"

Alec watched his long time crush saunter down the hill and towards a girl who was everything Alec wasn't. Alec knew Clary would say yes to Jace and then he would be forced to take their tickets at the door. He looked at the clock on his phone and saw that there was still about twenty minutes left of lunch. He had forgotten to pack it this morning so now he just looked kind of dumb and aloof sitting all by himself.

"Hey," Speak of the devil, it was Sebastian.

"Hey Sebastian." Alec had to squint up at him and it didn't help that he was in an awkward line with the sun.

"So uh, tomorrow... do you want to maybe go and grab a bite to eat with me?"

Alec's eyebrows shot to his hairline and he could tell Sebastian knew how lost for words he was before he quickly added, "For the project. I mean, for the project, we could work on the project." He nervously laughed.

"Uh, s-sure." Alec stuttered out.

"Okay uh, cool I will text you later or something." With that, Sebastian walked back down the grassy hill leaving Alec once again alone with his thoughts.

Alec remained speechless, 'What the hell was that? Sebastian didn't... He didn't just... he...' Alec didn't even want to think about it.

Sebastian being gay wasn't a problem, not in the slightest. It was the fact that he could possibly be gay for Alec, now that could be a problem.

Alec's mind was in a muddle when he looked at his phone again he saw that it was time to go and so with that he ran down the hill and off to next period. Jace had a smug look on his face as he sauntered past his brother humming some show tune as he went. Alec could tell he had guessed right and Clary had agreed to go to the dance with him. This caused Alec's mood to drop drastically and he knew there was no use in trying to ignore it.

Clary looked up once she had gotten to her seat and looked around the classroom. Her green eyes settled on Alec's fierce blue ones. He was giving her his best 'fuck off' look and it caused the hairs on the back of her neck to stand on end. 'Whoa, what's his problem. Great I've been here all but three days and I've already got enemies!'

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