Chapter 14: Achoo!

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Oh no Alec is sick :( Hope you enjoy this chapter!


"Show me, Alexander Lightwood"

The picture in the mirror distorted and the surface rippled. The image that once reflected a school classroom warped.

Magnus's brows rose, judging from the drastic change in scenery he could only safely assume that Alec was off school campus.

He frowned, the room was a decent size and the flooring was made of wood. He could see wallpaper but it looked like it belonged in a nursing home. It was actually peeling off the wall much like bark would flake off a tree trunk in some spots. The window curtains were drawn so sunlight streamed into the room, lighting it up.

Magnus counted the beds; did all three Lightwoods really share the same room? But wait, then why is there a fourth bed. Magnus made a mental note to someday ask Alec, if he ever got the chance.

The mirror was slipping along to one bed in particular. Magnus loved how clear the mirrors vision was. Almost like hi-definition TV just without the 60"inch plasma.

Magnus soundlessly watched the figure shift about under the covers. Even though he couldn't hear it, he could only imagine the creaking of the metal springs that were buried in the mattress.

"Achoo!" he groaned, a pale arm shot out from underneath the covers, tissue in hand.

He blew into the supposedly soft tissue and crumpled it in his hand only to sneeze again seconds later.

"Bitch..." Alec silently cursed whatever gave him the sick bug that he was currently dealing with.

Being sick was so gross to him. He hated it because when he got sick he usually didn't have the energy to get up and discard his tissues, thus, leaving them in a pile on the floor.





The teen was currently buried under six feet of blankets and trying to catch some sleep. He hadn't even attempted to go to school telling Isabelle to inform all his teachers about why he was absent though he doubted she would remember.

He would cough every time he tried to breathe which was a lot.

Half of the sickness, he blamed it on allergies.

His throat was clogged and raspy, causing his voice to come out stuffed and funny sounding. His eyes were watery and raw causing the blue color to appear more teal. He looked like Rudolph the red nosed reindeer from all the wiping and irritation from the tissues.

Alec cracked open his groggy eyes much to his dismay and sat up. He sighed and slightly smacked his palm to his face. 'This is so dumb.' He thought. 'I'm supposed to meet up with Sebastian today and work on our project. That dumb... dumb... project that I don't even want to do because I'm paired with a psycho.'

He sat with his back to his headboard while internally battling whether or not to get up and fetch a trashcan or just stay in bed and let his snot germs make him sicker.

Before he could change his own mind, Alec threw off the covers and rolled out of bed with a loud grumble.

Magnus stifled a laugh.

Alec was dressed in a yellow shirt that was originally the color of Magnus's comforter but now it was faded to the point where it was a light pastel yellow. The shirt was presumably Alec's favorite bed time shirt. The collar of the shirt was cut off making it pool around the muscles of his shoulders and dipping down to show the detail of his collar bone. The shirt was loose and made him look smaller. His pants were pretty baggy on him too and despite the draw string they hung pretty low.

Magnus hated to think this but, he had to admit, Alec looked pretty cute all stuffy with his red nose, all bundled up with the blankets up to his head cussing like no tomorrow.

Magnus let himself smile when Alec returned, gracelessly and sluggishly making his way back to bed. He had a metal trashcan in one arm and tissues in the other with a picture of a happy puppy printed on the front. Magnus could just see Alec scowling at the picture on the box treating it more roughly than normal.

Alec jumped back in bed and placed the trashcan back on the floor and took the box into bed with him. He re-applied his mounds of blankets, lay down, and sighed.


"Damnn youuu..." he gritted out, tearing at the tissue box.


'What the hell-' Alec seethed staring at the box that was peeking out of his covers. '-do puppies have to do with tissues.' The brown dog on the box was playing in a large green field. He looked at its playful posture with its pink tongue out. 'I wish I was that happy. But I'm sick so I can't be that happy.'

Cough. Cough. Cough. Cough. Sneeze. Sniffle.

'K, fuck this!' His eyes were back to watering and he wondered what time it was. 'Screw happiness, puppies, and that scrawny red head that Jace talks too.'

Oh yeah, the red head.

Alec had no clue what brought her to his mind but he frankly didn't care. His thoughts started to drift off to her when a sharp sound jolted him out of his thoughts and scared him half dead.

"Hello?" he said after fumbling for his cell phone and hitting the green 'talk' button. He grimaced at the sound of his own voice.

"Hey Alec it's me."

The person on the other line started talking really fast. The voice was low and gruff and slightly staticish over receiver of the phone.

"Wait, wait, stop... I can't hear you." Alec said back, rubbing his forehead.

"...It's me, Sebastian."

Sigh. "k."

"..." Silence.

"Yes Sebastian?"

"Uh-, where are you?"

Another sigh. "I'm sic-ACHOO! Fuck." He tried not to groan into the speaker but grabbed a tissue and blew into it.

From the other line, Sebastian could hear the sound of Alec blowing his nose and the sound of tissue against cardboard as he pulled it from the box. "Oh, are you alright?" he asked.

'I'm fuckin' great Sebastian, that's why I'm not in school!' He thought sarcastically.

"Do you have some un-discovered raging flesh eating disease that eventually, will need to be quarantined?"

Alec stared weirdly at the phone. "...uh, no." he responded, dumbfounded, "s'just a cold."

Sebastian mentally slapped himself, what the hell was that. Trying his best to brush off what just happened, "Right, anyway, I'm just going to go out on a limb and guess that we're not going to be working on our project today?"

"You're a great guesser." Alec said then paused at the sudden wave of déjà vu that hit him.

The last time that he had said that... it resulted in a kiss with none other than Magnus Bane. Alec flushed at the memory.

Breaking the boy out of his thoughts, "Do you need me to bring you anything?" Sebastian said.

"Shouldn't you be in class?" the blue eyed teen asked, finally taking the time to check the time.


"Then, why aren't you?"

"I had to call you. Do you need me to get you anything or not?" Sebastian asked raising his tone a little.

"You couldn't have called me during lunch or something?" Alec lightly growled into the phone.

"No. I couldn't have. It's more fun this way."

Alec rolled his eyes at Sebastian's response. "I'm going to hang up."

"Fine, get better so we can finish this thing."

"Roger that." Sneeze. "God damn it!" Alec seethed

He heard Sebastian's baritone laugh through the phone.


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