Chapter 12: Beastly

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Magnus tossed and turned, trying to wake himself up from the hell he was experiencing. Subconsciously he could feel the sweat sticking the sheets to his toned muscles. He groaned and grunted and his breath came out short.

To anyone else it would sound like Magnus was....

Let's not go there. (Even though I know you all want too)

In the depths of his mind, the unimaginable, unbelievable was happening and it was about to change his life permanently forever.

Lights, colors, sweat, the beat thumping and pounding in his head. He was in a club, no wait... he was back at the dance.

He looked around and suddenly he was surrounded by people, his people, and the people who usually crowd Magnus flanked him from all sides. But what freaked him out was they had no faces. Instead of faces their heads were whittled of wood, only slopes for eyes and no noses or mouths. Strange enough, he wasn't affected in the least about this.

He scanned the sea of face-less hormonally challenged teenagers before getting the feeling like he was being watched.

God it was a creepy chilling feeling, and everyone was the same height, being at the most a head shorter than Magnus so he stuck out like a sore thumb. He tried to blend in with the crowd but when he all of a sudden everything stopped, everyone stood still, but the beat still sounded in the background.

Magnus looked behind him and was met with a pair of jelly belly green grass eyes. Maia. Suddenly the scene changed and he was no longer surrounded by everyone but in the main school hallway. He looked around himself bewildered.

"Bane" came a sultry voice from behind him

He wiped around to face Maia. "Why the hell are you in my dream?" he stuttered but quickly caught himself.

She let out a low cackle, "If you were smart, you'd know not to mess with witches." She smirked. "This is no dream Magnus Bane." Maia circled him like a snake circling a rat.

'WAKE UP!' Magnus screamed in his head. This was all too weird, what the hell was Maia doing in his dream? He didn't even remember falling asleep for god sakes.

She stopped circling him and looked him dead in the eye. "It won't work."

The witch was close enough to reach a hand out and cup Magnus's chin. She ran her fingers down the side of his face with a gentle touch. He was about to slap her hand away when something stopped him.

Maia started to grow taller, her fingernails growing longer. She used the hand that wasn't holding Magnus's chin to stroke his face with those nails. He wanted to look away but her grip on him was strong. Her curly black locks straightened and fanned around her. Her teeth straightened too.

What made the hairs on his neck stand on end though was the change in Maia's eyes. The green faded away and filled in with yellow, like a yellow diamond. Her pupil split going horizontally like a snakes.

'WAKE UP' He yelled again, this time the words caught past his lips.

"God, you're beautiful." Malice was evident in her voice. "How many times do I have to tell you, it won't work. The only thing dream aspect of this dream is that it's happening when you're asleep. But everything else," she cooed, "I can guarantee is real."

A giant mirror appeared beside her, it was floor length and when Magnus looked over he could see himself reflected back perfectly."I have given you chance after chance, and you blew them all." Maia continued. "You have no heart Magnus Bane. You say beautiful people get it better. Let's test that theory shall we?"

Magnus looked into the mirror and his jaw dropped. This couldn't be real! This couldn't be him. He yelled at his reflection and the mirror spit, distorting his image further.

"You have two years Magnus." Maia pulled out two rose petals from thin air. "You have two years to find somebody to love you, or stay like this forever." The last word came out as a whisper. "As gruesomely ugly on the outside as you are on the inside."

He was screaming now, throwing all he had at the witch and it took everything he had not to go after her physically. He begged Maia to change him back. He told her that he would change but she would have none of it.

"Find somebody who can see better than you can." The corners of her mouth curled up in a smirk, "Mirror mirror on the wall, who's the fairest of them all?"

Magnus could feel Maia's breath on the back of his neck, he could see her standing behind him through the cracked reflection of the mirror. Finally, she vanished in a flurry of smoke and he was alone. The thought of trying to wake himself up now was long forgotten.

The rose was clutched so tightly in his hand that blood started to seep through his knuckles, he could feel the thorns of the flower bite at his flesh but he made no move to lessen his grip.

He still had his black as night hair, but it was shaved to a buzz on the sides leaving a middle strip that was thick and long. (Mohawk/FauxHawk. Look up Miyavi's hawk style) The skin on his body had marks and scars coated everywhere. There were ugly burn patches down his back and silver scars on his chest. There were stitched up wounds winding around his left forearm and scars shaped like rose vines, thorns and all, engraved around his right forearm. Purple, black, and blue bruises littered various spots on his body, up around his shoulders and around his neck. He had open gashes that were bright red on his forehead and collar bone. A long mark twisted and bridged his nose. A black spidery looking thing wound around the top of his eye and half way over his nose before moving up over his eyebrow and into his hair line. He had two twin gashes on his upper lip dragging up. He had claw marks starting on his jaw line and raking down to his chin. There were shapes wound all over that looked like old tattoos. Over his heart, two uneven scars intersected forming an 'X' shape.

'You have no heart...' Maia's words bounced back in his head.

Magnus's breath came short. This couldn't be him.

This couldn't be real. He fell to his knees and crawled closer to the bottom of the mirror where the cracks didn't reach. He took a closer look at his face and gasped.

Magnus's licorice black eyes had changed too. He couldn't rip his animalistic eyes away from his reflection. He looked horror struck and he was. His eyes were a swirl of forest. Green and brown, a clear dark emerald mixed with a light brown. The lighting made the green shine brighter than the brown.

What freaked him out the most was his pupil. Now shaped like a skinny diamond, dilated drastically with the light change. He had the eyes of a cat. Cat's eyes are meant to be on cats, not humans. He looked like a freak, the boy with cat's eyes.

Magnus couldn't calm his breathing down. He just couldn't. He had to wake up, he had to wake himself up. His head was rested against the spidery mirror, forehead touching the cool reflective surface.

He reeled his head back and knocked it forward into the mirror in attempt to wake himself. The mirror broke fully, glass and silver rained down on top of him.

"Holy shit!" The teen shouted, flinging up and out of bed. He had a pounding headache, ether from the dream or smashing his head into that mirror. Not the best choice.

He struggled to get out of his bed, the sheets trapping his legs and making his trip. He kicked the cotton away and crashed into his closed door, shouldering it while turning the knob. Magnus ran down the hall of his house and into the bathroom. He flicked on the light and screamed.

He was so fucked.

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