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Jimin's POV
Camp is 2 weeks away but i feel excited already, I can't wait to go to camp now, firstly, i get to bond with my dancers , secondly i get to bond with Jisoo heheheheh , now i need to find her and tell her about the camp .

Jisoo's POV
Hm , now that i'm in hiphop, i should appreciate it, although my hope was to go to ballet aish! why Jisoo why , why did you even accept his offer and go hiphop! aish! pabo-ya! aish! jinjja , now i hate it a lot!!!!!! "Jisoo uh!" omo don't tell me its Jimin?! "Jisoo! It's me Jimin!" aish jinjja, must you appear every single time i talk ahout you, " ne waeyo? " , " theres a camp, two weeks later and your gonna participate, and I need you to plan with me what activities are we doing, i'll see you the dance studio tomorrow after school! Annyeong! See you!" He ran off after replying to me " but.. aish i'm pretty sure im getting a lot of hates by now, firstly I get to join hiphop, then the camp & now I even get to plan aish! this is so annoying! " i pouted . i better get home now hais

"Oppa , im home!" i said and went straight to my room , i looked at the photo my mom, my dad & I took when we're in australia, omma, where are you, i really miss you and dad , i'm not even doing well in Korea, every single thing in school is going wrong, why ain't you coming back to get me , i cried. Suddenly, the door opened, so i went to see who isit, its Namjoon Oppa , honestly , i dont feel like talking to anyone..

Namjoon's POV
When I wanted to walk to my room, I heard someone crying in Jisoo's room, so I assumed its Jisoo whose crying, so i went to open her room door, and it was really her crying, aigo why is my baby sister crying , " Jisoo? Jisoo! What happened?! " "Nothing Oppa, I'm okay really. " Jisoo said while wiping her tears away, " Jisoo, your lying, your my sister , how can i not know when your crying? " Oppa... sigh where will i be without you? Basically, i got into hiphop" her eyes started to tear up, "wae?! its a good thing! you liked Hiphop since young!" i exclaimed, " no hyung, wait , i got into hiphop because of this guy Jimin " she cried " Oh! Jimin! He texted me when you fainted! " I said in excitement

Jisoo's POV
Jimin texted hyung when i fainted?? omo how did he have hyungs number? PARK SOOYOUNG!!!!!!! AISH!!!!! Im gonna ask her about it!

SY: Bo?
SY: you fainted , and the nurse needed to contact your family you pabo!
J: Ya! You shouldnt have give him! Jimin should have just told the nurse i have no family!
SY: BO? You do have a family Kim Jisoo! Stop acting like this! Stop acting so childish, why the hell did you even text me just to scold me! I have enough of your nonsense!

Great, now i lost a friend because of you my mood. Aish! Kim Jisoo! Omma, why? Why must you put me here, why must i suffer all these alone.

Park Jimin's POV
Hopefully, she'll come sigh. Now , I'm really worried she won't be coming, because i really want to see her, I want to see her face everday . I'm falling for you already Kim Jisoo , and i'm falling hard for you this time . "Kim Jisoo!" I shouted " ah bo? " she said feeling annoyed " don't forget this afternoon!! see you! " I ran away .

Kim Jisoo's POV
aish , why is he so annoying argh , i think i really have to go after school .

Oh ya , i forgotten i have to go to dance studio today , aigoo okok kaja ! Bo? Jimin is not here yet? Suddenly someone knock on the door, "Annyeong Jisoo" it was Jimin , " Aish Jimin! You told me its AFTER school! I haven't even ate lunch and i come over, then here you are being late! " i dont know why , this days , i can't control my temper , i just couldn't control it, i suddenly cried . "Jisoo! Are you okay? Wae?" he was very worried, " i just, i couldn't control my temper this few days, and i'm really upset about it , firstly, i pushed away my brother, the one who have been supporting me, helping me, cheering me up, but I just pushed him away, i pushed everyone away, secondly, its Sooyoung, Park Sooyoung, your sister. Yesterday, i dont know why , but suddenly I got angry over a small matter, she just gave you my oppa's number and yet i'm making such a big fuss about it and even argued with her, i'm not myself anymore sigh" i cried even more , then suddenly he kissed my forehead and hugged me " Jisoo, do you know, this few days , without you knowing, i actually fell in love with you, especially that time when you fainted, i was so worried, i didn't want to lose you, I changed, because of you , don't worry about Sooyoung, I'll talk to her. Let's just say, your going thru a really tough week at school and you can't cope with it, okay ? For Namjoon, I'll text him too and talk to him about it too. Don't take it to heart, Jisoo. It's not your fault, perhaps you could have try to control it. Don't worry so much, you have me" He smiled , then he said " Let's start on planning , shall we? " i smiled and nodded.

It was very silence until I decided to broke it, "Jimin, thank you for everything that you have done for me , I'm really very touched, thankyou for staying " I smiled and continued to do my work. That's why he have been disturbing me, because he likes me aigo , how can i not realise it aish

A few hours have past , and we're still not done planning because this is a freaking 5 days 4 night camp and it's very hard to plan since we have competition coming soon and we definitely need to practice more. " Jisoo, why don't I send you home first, we'll continue tomorrow ? " " arasso " i replied to him. His sending me home?!?! Jinjja! wooohooo !!!

It was already 7 , and recently, there have been stabbing case at my area, I hope I don't meet into one when i'm on the way home with Jimin , " Jimin, let's not walk here. I'm scared. " i kept hiding behind him " waeyo? oh! because of the stabbing case? silly, i'm here. Anyway , if he wants to stab you, i won't allow it. No one is allowed to touch my girl, Kim Jisoo!" he said and i blushed, suddenly, someone came running towards us, he was holding on to a knife, before i knew it, i protected Jimin from being stab , and i got stab in the stomach . " I can't let you get stab Jimin, mianhae " i cried " SOMEONE NEEDS TO CALL THE AMBULANCE QUICK , Jisoo , don't sleep , talk to me Jisoo!!! Jisoo! I can't lose you! I can't ! I really can't ! I need you here with me...." he cried while shouting to ask someone to call the ambulance

Park Jimin's POV
Jisoo got stabbed.... I kept crying & crying, then the ambulance came, i got up the ambulance and went to the hospital with her, when he reached the hospital , the doctor says.....

A/N : Annyeong! What will the doctor say? I don't know too! hm, maybe i do, maybe i don't? Anyw, sorry for all the errors and feel free to give any feedbacks! :)

Hip Hop captain - Park Jimin ( COMPLETED ) Where stories live. Discover now