Lost memories| dominic toretto

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Y/N pov

It's funny how the worst things can happen to the Goodess of people, I had just lost my memory not to long ago. I still can't remember anything some things had come back but the ones with dom wouldn't, I still can't understand why.
"Hey! Y/N you alright? Your kinda spacing out there" tej said bringing me out of my thoughts.
"Oh yeah I'm fine, I'm just going to go for a drive" I replied getting up from the table.

I heard footsteps coming up behind me, "it's true isn't it?" "I really was dead" I continued staring at my tome stone.
"You weren't dead" I heard some voice say.
"It is dom" I said turning around "that was the date Y/N died And I was born!" . "Y/N" he said making me look him in the eye, "I know you can't remember  anything but I can help you we're family".
"No, it's not fair stop looking at me like that. I see it in your eyes, the way you look at me. Am I missing something here what is so special about me to you, and it hurts because you know I can't give that to you, I can't look at you the way you look at me" I said starting to lower my voice "there just a bunch of Lost memories".

It's been a month since what happened at the cemetery. Me, tej,roman,Mia, Brian and letty were hanging out when Mia got a call, after about a minute I heard her crying, so I had ran into the kitchen where she was.
"Mia, what's wrong?" I asked comforting her when she looked up at me and said "it's dom..." she replied in a whisper. I let go and looked at her, "what? What happend?", "he's gone..." she said looking down. Brian had walked in, "what happend?" He asked, I didn't reply I just ran past him out the door I had taken my car and left.

I'm pretty sure everyone had found out what happened because they kept trying to call and text me....I never answered, I'd been gone for 2 weeks now I never attended doms funeral.
I had remembered everything now.... the marriage, what the necklace was for, our memories.
It really hurts when you lose someone you love, it always hurts and there's nothing you could do about it.

I had been driving for two weeks now I never stopped, I didn't need to.
I didn't know where I was going I just went where my car took me,

Mia had texted earlier Said Dom had left me his car and she said she'd give the cross necklace too but it had gone missing when Dom died. He apparently had it, also no one knows how he died it's a mystery.

It now had been three months since I left time sure flys by fast.
I decided to go back today, I knew where I was and I knew how to get home.

Once I had gotten back the only people who were there were Mia and Brian,
When I walked in the first to see me was Mia she had ran up to hug me and when she did Brian noticed me, we all caught up with each other I didn't really want to but there my family I kinda gotta.
The next day I had went to take doms car out when I got a call.
"Hello?" I asked through the phone
"I'm back" was all I heard before they hung up.
After I told Mia and the only thing she could tell me was to be careful we never know who that could be.

It's been now a year since don had died I never forgot about him never once was there a time I didn't think of him.

We were doing a job over in LA we were again helping Hobbs trying to Catch some guy.

Me, Brian and romans job as of now was to take people out in this street clearing the road for Hobbs and the rest,
Well I was about to hand some ammo to Brian, we heard an explosion
It blew me over a car to the other side of the street, I heard Brian and roman screaming my name from the other side.
Once I had gotten up I yelled over to tell them I was okay.
"What do we do!?" Roman screamed panicking. "Rome stop panicking!" I heard Brian yell at him.
"Guys I'll just find my way over!" I yelled over hoping they heard me and before they could've replied I ran trying to find away over, my ankle had really hurt so it had been hard to walk.

But Not even twenty minutes later had the the team- well family came and helped me into the car

When the car stopped we got out and walked into a building. We all had our guns out.

Well we were walking we saw this blonde women and a guy I couldn't see though because his back was turned.

"Well, welcome to the party" she said giving us a smirk
"May wanna stop talking bitch and put your hands behind your back!" Hobbs said raising his voice.
"No, not today honey, you'll have to deal with him first" she said pointing to the man when he turned around.
When I saw him I just stared well he looked at Hobbs, everyone was shocked and gasped at him but he ignored it.
"Well toretto we meet again" Hobbs said not taking his eyes away from his with a stone cold face,
" I see you brang your team" Dom said with a stone cold face,
What happened to family Dom?" Letty almost yelled at him.
"I don't got family bitch!" He yelled taking a small glance at her.

I didn't know what to do, the love of my life was alive but corrupted I could tell he had never lost his memory like I had, he remembered everything. I knew this wasn't him but at that moment I didn't I thought he changed for good. He was arguing with everyone and knocked everyone out all that was left was me. He stood staring at the unconscious bodies of his now ex family, than looked at me his fist slowly tightening at his sides, I couldn't try and fight him off or fight with him at all, I gave up.

"Know what I'm done" I started lightly crying " I give up" I dropped my gun, "If this is who you are now fine" "just kill me already!" I started screaming "KILL ME!"I started screaming louder "all i have to say is, I love you...I always have I remember everything, I have for a year now, I know about our marriage, the now not so lost memories, I missed you. And when I heard you died I didn't know what to do I just straight up left just kept driving for two months because I hurt so much. Because I love you." After I finished Dom lifted his gun up to me pointing it up to my forehead, i didn't even flinch and before he pulled the trigger he quickly turned to the blonde women and shot.
I just covered my mouth with my hands when I saw Dom running towards me the curse was over, well at least it felt like a curse.
He held me tight never letting go whispering sorry over and over, once he was done he looked up into my red puffy eyes and held my face in his hands and kissed me.

It's been 2 months since we found Dom.
We got remarried and it was well I guess you could say magical, it sounds stupid but it wasn't, I didn't care what people thought I was just glad to have him back. He was on good terms with everyone again. We had all now decided to retire and just stay low for the time being.

Every weekend me and Dom would go to a street race just for old times sake.

Now those Lost Memories are just memories.....

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