There favorite thing about you|1K special

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First I just wanted to thank you all for actually reading this crap!

Your attitude, he loves how you could care less about people trying to bring you down and also how confident you act.

Your laugh, he loves how it's just so easy to make you laugh because it's like music to his ears.

Your sarcasm, he loves your sarcasm because it's just you. It shows your personality perfectly.

Your loyalty, that's his favourite thing about you. How your so loyal to whom you care about, especially family.

Surprisingly your personality,
He might seem like the guy to mostly care about looks and ass but with you there's much more.

Your selflessness,
He likes you because of how much you put people before yourself.

Your sass, he loves how sassy you can be if needed.

Your protectiveness,
Your so protective of people you care most about and he loves that.

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