Brian: Request

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So this one is for @Ale_MF enjoy!


"Goodnight little Jack" I whispered to my son as I watched him fall asleep in his crib,
"So he finally fell asleep than" I heard Brian say into my ear as he wrapped his arms around my waist,
" I love you" he said looking into my eyes turning me to face him, "I love you too" I smiled as I felt his soft lips on mine.

I remember the night we met, and I'll never forget it.


Alexandra's POV

Today I'm going to this race with my friend Vince, I wasn't really into races though it was more of anime i was into but I decided to go anyways, I knew a lot about cars from my friends like Letty, Dom and Vince etc, so I think I was good to go since I've also raced quite a few times. I wouldn't say I was an expert though.


"Alexandra! Get your ass over here!" Vince yelled from the car,
"I'm coming!" I yelled out the door while I looked in the mirror fixing my hair.

"We're just going to a race, not a banquet Alex" he laughed as I got into the car,
"I know but I still care about how I look unlike someone else I know" I sassed.

As I got out of the car I saw lots of girls wearing booty shorts and crop tops with large high-heeled boots almost up to there thighs leaning against cars flirting with guys or walking around with guys checking them out.

As i looked around Vince noticed this Displeased look on my face,
"Oh cmon, it isn't that bad" he tried convincing me,
"It's not that" I replied
"Than what is it?" He asked
"It's just all these girls, they all look like fricken prostitutes!" I disclaimed,
"True" he admitted, "they're hot though",
After he said that I just rolled my eyes and kept walking.

As I walked I saw this really cute guy with my friend Dom across all these people standing between us,

"Dom, hey" I smiled at him,
"Alex! Good to see you, so did Vince drag you here?" He smiled asking,
"Yeah he did" I admitted and laughed,
"Well good to see you here" he said,
"You see me everyday" I exclaimed,
"Oh, yeah haha", "oh so this is Brian," he introduced me to the cute guy I now know is Brian,
"Nice to meet you" I smiled at him,
"Nice to meet you too Alex" he smiled back.

"What is he doing here!" Vince hissed,
"He was here when I got here Vince just calm down!" Dom almost yelled

"I'll be right back" I said to Brian then turned around and walked over to Dom and Vince,
"Will you guys shut the hell up! Like who cares get over it Vince! Just because you don't like him doesn't mean you have to complain about it!" I yelled at them both and smacked them both on the head,
"Be adults, especially you Vince" I pointed at him,
"If Dom likes him he can talk with him, you're not his dad" I hissed,
"So you're defending him now! You like him don't you!" Vince yelled at me,
"You retard! Know what just go Vince! Just. Go." My words cold as ice,
He just glared at us both and left knocking me on the shoulder,
"I can't believe him sometimes" I said to Dom before walking back to Brian.

"So that looked bad" Brian told me as I walked back "what happened?" He asked me,
"Vince was just being a dick, it happens a lot" I answered,
"Yeah, I've met him and I've seen he can be" he replied,
"Heh, yeah" I giggled,
"What's so funny?" He questioned,
"It's just funny how even your best friend can be the most arrogant person in the world" I smiled,
"So are you saying he's arrogant?"
"Why yes I am" I looked closely at him,
"Just forget about him" he said getting closer,
"I will" I smiled leaning in,
As our lips were just about to touch Dom interrupted,
"Hey guys, race is bout' to start" Dom said walking over,
"Oh", "sorry did I interrupt something?" He asked walking back slightly,
I just giggled and looked down as I felt the blush rising onto my cheeks as Dom walked away,
I felt someone hold up my chin until there eyes faced mine,
"How about we go to that race then?" Brian asked, his face getting close to mine.


"I doubt you'll beat me" I smirked looking at Brian,
"Let's just see about that Gorgeous" he replied.

"Haha Told ya I'd beat you" I threw my arms into the air giggling,
"Sure, but you didn't win" he remarked,
"Yeah Dom won, but I still got second place" I tilted my head smiling,
"You know no one can beat a Toretto, O'Connor" I smirked once again,
"You're cute Gorgeous" he said getting closer,
"I've heard" I said in a breath,
"From who?" He asked,
"People." I answered
"What people?" He laughed
"You know, people." I said wrapping my arms around his neck as he got closer,
"That's no answer gorgeous" he smiled looking into my eyes,
"I know." I smirked as he leaned closer and I felt his soft lips on mine.


From then on we stayed together and we had our little angels years later,
We went on heists, we raced, and overall had a good time with our family,
We had one long ride but now it's over,
It was a good ride but now we're retired with our little angels as we watch the world and the time go bye.

I'll never forget any of it, and I'm not talking about the long ride we had with everyone, I'm talking about me and Brian, like how we met and all the times WE had together, I love him, and I'll never forget it, I'll never forget how much I love him.


So remember guys if you want one of these request just MESSAGE me what you want and remember to put your name or a name you'd like me to put for ya.

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