you left us (2)

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I woke up the next morning freezing, I look down and realize I completely kicked off my blanket and my fan was on so it had gotten pretty cold in my room.

"Finally you're awake" I hear a voice say, I watch as the fuzzy figure at the foot of my bed became clear.

"Uh Luke. What are you doing in my room?" I asked.

He gets up, brushes off his pants as if there was something on it and then grabs a bag.

"Leaving." He says coldly

Why has he been acting so hateful to me. I understand we never really got along but I can't believe he would grow so hateful towards me and hold a grudge.

"Luke wait, why were you here?"

"I didn't want to be, my mom thought it would be a good idea for us to 'catch up' while her and your mom catch up. I don't think she planned you sleeping in till 3 in the afternoon." He says rolling his eyes a bit at the last part.

"What!? It's 3?? Why didn't anyone wake me?!" I unlock my phone and look at the time, it must be because of the jetlag, but seriously? 3 PM??

"Trust me, I tried to wake you up multiple times, you wouldn't wake up. Anyway if that's all, I'll be on my way now." He continues to walk towards the door when suddenly he stops and turns to stare at some pictures I hung on the wall.

He un-pins one of them and I immediately know which one. Why did I pin it up?

"You kept it?" He said more softly and quietly this time while staring down at the picture.

"Well yea, what else would I do with it." It was a picture of me and Luke on the first day of kindergarten. We both looked like the grumpiest kids in the world, we had on huge frowns and I had my arms crossed while Luke sat on the pavement just looking angry. I had always laughed at the picture. It made me kind of happy in a weird way.

"I actually threw mine away," Luke said quietly like he felt bad about it. He shook his head and continued to speak "anyway, I should really be on my way, your mom just wanted me to tell you she's out to get coffee with my mom."

"Wait Luke, just one more question? Why are you so upset with me? I can't imagine I was that horrible to you before we left." I said looking down while fiddling a loose string on my blanket. I was kind of scared of the answer to come.

"You left us." And with that Luke quickly left and shut my door before I could say anything.



"Wait Luke, just one more question? Why are you so upset with me? I can't imagine I was that horrible to you before we left" I heard her ask quietly.

"You left us" I said quickly. Standing still for a minute to see her reaction. She looked hurt and surprised.

I quickly proceeded out the room and down the stairs and out the house. I walked over to my car and proceeded to drive to Calum's house. I needed to get my mind off of things.

"Luke cut it out!" Alexandria screamed while trying to catch her breath. I had been making fun of Jamie for the past 10 minutes and Alexandria hadn't stopped laughing since.

"What? I'm just saying no 11 year old boy in Sydney isn't interested in football! Are you sure he's not gay?" I chuckled. I had been trying to cheer her up since her parents announced the divorce. It wasn't fair to her.

At that moment Linda knocked on the door and let herself in

"Hey sweetie, can I talk with you for a moment, in private?" She gave Alexandria a smile that you give someone when you feel bad for them, Not a genuine smile.

Alexandria went out into the hall with her mom and closed the door. A couple minutes later I hear sobbing outside the room. A moment later Alexandria bursts through the door and locks it.

"Alexandria please." Linda pleads from outside the door

"Leave me alone!!" Alexandria yells

"Alexandria, what's going on? What's happening?" I ask frantically

Alexandria rushed over to me and buried her head in my chest. She started bawling. I heard her talking but couldn't make it out because she was crying and muffled

"Al, c'mon, please tell me..."

She sat up with puffy red eyes and tears streaming down her face.

"We're moving to England." She was able to say and then went back to crying

I ended up just going home instead.

As I thought back to that day I remember it hurt, looking at her hurt. That's the one thing I remember, also the fact that, that was the last mostly good day I bad with her. But she left us, we didn't leave her. I shouldn't feel bad for this. We used to be best friends, there's nothing more to it... But if so, why do I feel like there should be?


Hi okay, I finally updated and I know it's really short, it's just a filler. I've already started on the next chapter and it will definitely be longer! By the way, SLSP is so amazing ugh omg


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