A Very Malec Meeting

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A/N This is actually from another one of my books, Malec Numbers, but I thought it would make a good one shot and it's also very long so enjoy!


The flat had been filled to its capacity before but this was different. The cramped atmosphere of the party dissipated as my eyes scanned the room and caught sight of something I had never seen before.

The boy had blue eyes, it was that simple. I couldn't resist the black hair and blue eye combination but I could see that this time was different. It wasn't the combination that drew my in but the eyes themselves.

Those eyes took me in and never seemed to let go. I stared at them as if they were the crown jewels themselves, they may as well have been in that moment. The boy finally caught my eyes and blushed heavily under my stare.

Feeling a bought of confidence, I strode over to find three shadowhunters, Clary and a mundane boy. Feelings a pit in my stomach as I realised the boy with the blue eyes was a shadowhunter, I was tempted to turn away but I couldn't miss an opportunity to flirt whether I hadn't allowed myself a relationship with them or not.

Of course, I knew that they were here because of Clary but that didn't dissuade me, though I would rather not to talk to her. The boy, his eyes still locked with mine, blushed even heavier as I finally approached them, standing in front of them with all my prowess- though I believe they distracted by the lack of trousers.

'You like the party?' I smirked, trying to draw the blue boy's attention back to me rather that letting his eyes wander around the extravagant party. He didn't seem to talk much, that much was clear at this point.

I lounged against one of the marble pillars, staring directly at the boy, intently staring at how his black hair covered one of those beautiful eyes. I wished he didn't do that, he should flaunt those eyes- those beautiful, beautiful eyes.

My attention was diverted when the red head decided to talk, forcing my eyes away from the boy. 'Is it in honour of anything?' She asked, her squeaky voice surprising me- it seemed her voice hadn't changed since I last saw her...when she was ten.

'My cat's birthday.' I spoke dismissively, my eyes focusing back on the blue. I could see the ocean in those eyes. This wasn't cliche, his eyes really were the ocean. I had travelled over the globe for centuries and never had I seen a colour so close to the beautiful sea of the Carribean Islands. Almost perfectly blue but still contained those flecks of green that made it shine all the more beautifully.

'Oh.' Clary glanced around, her eyes wandering for less than a second before her eyes were back on me. 'Where's your cat?'

I unhitched myself from the pillar, my face solemn. It was teasing really, Chairman would be back soon but that didn't mean I had struggled to find him. 'I don't know. He ran away.' I shrugged, trying to play it off as a joke as I realised it really had been a while since I had seen him.

The two boys then approached me, blocking out the two girls and the mundane, one being the beautiful blue eyed boy. Alec, that was his name, Alexander. A beautiful name for a beautiful man. I smiled to myself as his stern face turned embarrassed under my intent stare.

I looked down on them, being taller than both of them but only Alec by an inch, and smiled my most teasing smile. 'Can you help us?' The blonde one asked, his arrogance reaching me by his voice alone. Stereotypical shadowhunter.

I zoned out after that as they explained the details to me of Jocelyn's child. He was what could only seem to be half way through his long-winded explanation when I cut in. 'Yes, yes.' I motioned my hand dismissively and let my eyes fall on Alec once again. I smirked. 'but only because of the hot one.' I winked and laughed as his already heavily reddened cheeks managed to stretch across his face, transforming him into some sort of tomato.

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