Ten People Who Make You Happy

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Okay so I was tagged by TheBossAssBitchMegan to do this so here we go. I need to name five people on wattpad that make me happy, and five people in real life (for any friends on wattpad that I know in real life, you're gonna go in the wattpad section so I look like I have more friends).

On Wattpad:

JazzyMin97: She's a really nice person and I've been role-playing with her for months now and I've really never written this much with another person before!

Daughter-OfPoseidon: The first friend I ever made on wattpad and we're still waiting and talking today. We met in 2014 I think. Wattpad won't let me go back far enough to check.

fitzyfoop: My beta reader and genuinely the most patient and understanding friend I have; like she puts up with all of my procrastination and new ideas and everything and I don't know how she does it.

himeis1: He's a dick, but he's a really nice dick and he's helped me through a lot of my shit,and he has really cool curly teal hair. (Also he had an asthma attack because he was slapped in the face by a pizza yesterday.)

SamaelDire: They're genuinely a really nice person and an amazing poet, and they have white hair and when I first saw them, I started thinking of a phantom character. They've helped me through a lot as well.

In real life (I'm just gonna name and tbh I'm changing some names):



Bridie (Bridie2901)


Jessica (ballofkittens)

IMPORTANT: You must do this if you were tagged AND are wearing any item of jewellery or wristband or anything similar.

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⏰ Last updated: Mar 06, 2017 ⏰

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