Explaining My Sexuality to Guys

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Once I was being hit on ((this used to happen 1nce a month)), and I awkwardly had to explain to the boy that I was interested in the opposite sex. The conversation was kinda like this:

"I'm sorry, but, uh." Kieran stuttered, searching for the right words. "You see, I'm attracted to girls. Your male parts disgust me and I think other females are hotter then hell!" Wow. She just screwed that up, dontcha think? What's wrong with bluntly stating she's a lesbian?

Then the boy says. "Oh, so you're a lesbian?" And proves he isn't a gentleman by asking, "So. How do you baise?" He shows no emotion, and Kieran begins to blush like crazy.

"Uh. That, is a personal question." She responds fidgiting with her jacket.

"Okay. So who's the man, and who's the woman?" Once again, his expression stays calm and relaxed. 

Seriously?! Kieran thinks to herself. "Well. That isn't exactly how it works, or at least in most cases. Once again, that's kind of a personal question..."

"Oh," he says, clearly upset he didn't get actual answers. "I can hook you up with my neighbor, she's a chick-digger too." What the baise is a chick-digger?

"W-what!? No, no, no! I have a girlfriend, I mean she's right over there! The cute, tall, brunette!"

And that is what happened. Wierdist conversation I'd ever had, and I've had similiar ones plenty of times. I think must guys know my sexuality now...

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