Finding Out About My Girl Crush

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I didn't just KNOW I was a lesbian when I was eight or something like that. I had to wait until I was old enough to process those feelings. For me, that was when I turned 13 and started the Eigth Grade. I always found my self looking at the mean girl in a yearning way.

"No, Kerry, no!" I constantly told myself, but I couldn't help it! At the time my parents were still together, and my mom was quite the homophobe. There was also the fact I was really confused and at that age where everyone was in the closet. Except, for the mayor of Paris. Remember Gay marriage has yet to been legalized in France!

Last year I met my current girlfriend Chantal, she was arguring with a boy in our class when it slipped out she was indeed homosexual. I quickly approached her and came out of the closet myself. She ended up being quite the attractive girl, and we became best friends. One time she came over and we were both tired and semi-drunk and I admitted my attraction. That was the beginning of a happy relationship.

Then the next year same-sex marriage was legalized! That was a great day for the two of us, seeing as if we stayed together until the age of 18. Though I still hid the relationship from my mother, I shared it with the rest of my family and friends--my twin sister Anna being the first to hear.

I occasionaly looked at other girls, thinking of how pretty they were and soft their skin looked--but don't we all? No matter what Chantal was my only love. and I wasn't exactly noticing other 'women' I was thinking about them. And not in those ways, either.

It's been 1(1/2) years to 2 years now since we're still together. It seems like we're the perfect couple when I think about it, but really we aren't. We've had plenty of little fights about my mother, Chantal's OCD, even silly things like why I forgot to make rasberry clafoutis for our one year anniversary picnic.

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