Chapter One

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"He's not looking good."
Shiro looked down on his teammate, Keith, as he shivered and whimpered. Keith had been injured from an earlier battle at a Galra base. They had been separated but later found Keith with slashes across his body, most prominently on his face right above his eyes. Shiro felt sick looking at how vulnerable Keith looked.
"Any signs of getting better?" Lance choked.
Lance was standing besides Shiro, bags under his eyes from watching Keith all night.
"Don't worry, he'll get better." Shiro didn't know if he was reassuring Lance or himself.
Lance nodded, looking sullenly at Keith whimpering on the bed.
Shiro put a hand on his shoulder. "Come on, let's get some dinner. You can check back on him later." Lance waited a bit before he realized Shiro wasn't asking. He reluctantly pulled away, taking one last look at his crying comrade before closing the door to Keith's room.


Everything hurt.
Keith winced as the door shut, waiting a moment to see if they were gone. He sat up and unraveled a bandage on his hand.
The colored markings had grown significantly. Covering his entire hand and coiling its way up his arm.
Keith painfully examined the claws and fur that had sprouted along with the purple coloring. The agonizing feeling amplified by ten as Keith tended his muscles and bit his tongue with fangs that were developing, creating a mouthful of blood that Keith spat out onto his wrist.
"Nononono not again!"
Keith fought with all of his being to keep the transformation at bay, but it was no use. The pain was too much.
Tears begun to form more rapidly as he gasped for air.
"I can't-t let them see me l-like th-this!"
Keith rolled onto the floor, still fighting to keep from screaming as to not alert anyone of his current state. The fuzz had grown all the way up his arm and halfway across his body, another patch beginning on the opposite arm and forming claws. He let the bandages resting on his forehead droop down onto his eyes as a burning sensation began on his temples. He couldn't hold it in anymore.
He screamed.
The pain was so immense. He struggled to stand up, the pain was making him dizzy and yellow spots began appearing in his vision. He tore at the wall and furniture on the way to the bathroom, stumbling through the door and falling onto the sink. Keith was still crying, but his scream had turned into more of a choked sob. He lifted the bandages on his eyes. Keith already know what had happened, but he didn't want to believe it. It was impossible.
He stared into the mirror to see the horror before his eyes.
He was Galran.
He was a monster who destroyed planets and enslaved millions of innocents.
He was a thing everyone on team voltron hated.
Keith still screamed when he saw his reflection, the claws, the ears, the haunting yellow eyes.
Keith fell onto the floor just as his door opened.
"Hey mullet, are you alright? I brought you some of Hunks cooking!"

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