Chapter Four

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( A/N All drawings featured in this fic are made by me except for the cover :3 )

"Hey, uh, Lance has been gone for a while.."
The paladins of voltron (plus Allura and Coran) sat around a table eating their dinner, chatting about previous fights, battle plans, and of course castle-ship gossip (which Pidge was quiet fond of).
Shiro had been having a conversation with Coran about whether a knife or fork would be more suited to comb his mustache, Shiro was of course worried about Keith, and Lance had been taking a little long.
Shiro was the first one to find Keith.
He had been fighting a barrage of Galra soldiers when he saw Keith. He was motionless on the ground, his body lay in a distressed position and blood matted his hair. Shiro had fought his way towards Keith, gaining some cuts of his own in the process. The moments between finding Keith and being rescued by the other paladins had been a blur for the black paladin, all Shiro remembered was the thrill of adrenaline and the feel of mechanical parts being ripped apart by his prosthetic arm. Shiro piped up at Hunk's remark, he set his his utensils down.

"Alright, I'm going to check on them."

He stood up and began to make his way to the door.

"Shouldn't we all go? We haven't seen Keith since the last mission and I'm sure we are all very worried about him."

Shiro sighed and looked back at them, they all wore a genuinely concerned face. He then looked at Hunk, who looks like his poor heart was going to shatter at any moment, Shiro couldn't take it.

"I think you guys ought to stay here and eat, I won't be for long. Hunk if you want you can help bring some food to Lance if he wants to pull another all-nighter."

Hunks eyes lit up just a bit. He grabbed a tray of left-over goop and followed Shiro into the hall.


Keith watched as Lance's blood poured onto the floors.
This is all my fault! Lance is going to die and I can't do anything!
Keith started to hyperventilate.
He felt as if he were choking. The walls drawing closer and closer, as if they were mocking him.
"You screwed it up again.
Like every relationship you've ever had.
It's your fault they all leave, you know it.
You could've prevented this.
You could've controlled yourself.
But you couldn't help yourself.
And now Lance is going to die because of you.
You killed Lance.
Everyone hates you.
You think they'll keep you around after this?
They'll just see you as another monster.
They'll HATE you.
Who could ever love a monster?
Especially after what you did on the last mission."
Keith muttered over and over and over.
He was loosing it.
He felt as if he were slowing my being buried alive.
He risked a look again at Lance, the blood was everywhere.
On Lance.
On the cursed walls.
On his ugly, wretched, monstrous, stained claws.
Just then he heard a sound.
"Hey Lance? Me and Shiro thought we would bring you a snack, y'know, if you plan on getting more sleep deprived."
Anyone but Shiro.
"Please please please please..."
Keith couldn't help but sob quietly.

( A/N AHAHA CLIFF HANGER!! Thank you guys for reading and enjoying this, it really means a lot to me ^^
I'm back so less hiatus with this story! Yay! )

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