Chapter Three

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Lance had stopped in his tracks.
At his feet lay a Galra.
Shivering and covered in bandages.
He looked across the creature, examining the purple fur, black shirt, and... mullet?
No. Way.
He had to make sure.
It had calmed down, it seemed its tear ducts had no more tears to spill. It was shivering though, head wrapped in two clawed purple arms and legs scrunched up against its chest.
Lance repeated the question.
"Keith, is.... is that YOU?!"
Silence settled as the purple creature curled up tighter into its already compact shape.

"D-don't look at me."

Lance was confused.
Just a few moments ago he had been watching Keith asleep, looking like his normal Keith-ish self,

Lance watched as Keith obviously held back a scream of pain, Keith wasn't sure if it was because of the physical or emotional pain.

After a moment of complete and utter shock, Lance snapped out of it.

"Keith! Ohmyquiznack what happened to you?!" Lance knelt down quickly to help Keith off of the floor when he saw flash of purple and a sharp pain erupted in his arm. Keith was now off the floor, nearly all his bandages had fallen off, red liquid dripped from his new claws and a truly frightened look plastered itself onto his face.
He was looking at Lance's arm, shivering.
Lance, although surprised and concerned about Keith's condition, he followed Keith's new found glowing eyes to his arms.

Oh god.

Several large and deep cuts displayed themselves on Lance's arm. Flesh was clearly protruding and blood was pouring everywhere. Lance suddenly felt very sick.

He looked back up at Keith, immediately noticing the truly horrified expression on his face.

"I-I-... Didn-"

Keith looked down frightfully at his own bloodstained hands and tears started to form again.
This made Lance's stomach sink. He had never seen Keith this... vulnerable.
Keith was always one to keep his emotions in check, he barely smiled, or cried for that instance. It broke Lance's heart to see Keith like this.
Lance forced a smile.

"Keith what's the matter? This?,"
Lance motioned to his ridiculously bloody arm.
"It looks worse than it is! C'mon, mullet! Do you think a little scratch could-"
Lance immediately looked very pale.
He collapsed onto the bathroom floor, coloring the tiles a deeper and deeper red by the second.

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