I remember i met Dion in 4th grade, or was it 3rd? I dont know maybe it was but i know i remember him well
I still have a sort of "Distant" relationship with him
He is a good friend
He was always the dorky type of dude
He was tall, light skin, linky, & had pretty eyes
but yet he was a real good friend because he used to stick by me
One year i moved with my mother around the corner from my grandmother
i was shoked to find out Dion lived right next door
&& then it begins
We played outside together, even walked to school together
It was going great
But then elementary was over and it was time or me to move on
so it was BYe ByE Henderson & Hello Detroit Premier Academy
I lost contact with Dion after that
About two years past I heard from him but he was not the Dion I remembered
He got really cocky and really swagged out
Me being all grown up, I liked it alittle bit
We talked almost everyday and we took interest in each other
He was almost my boyfriend But then the bomb dropped
((Cupid Knocked me out))
One of our friends introduced him to my close friend
&& I found out from her that they were together for weeks
I felt really heartbroken
so i dumped all tighs between me & him
Then i found out he ended up in jail and is doin time untill 2016
He calls and we used to write but that had to stop
When he calls we really dont have nothing to talk about
Truth is I cant really forgive him for what he did to me
Like nothing ever happened
Im slowly forgiving him for his ways and how he did me wrong but it takes time
I love him but not like i used to
He is apart of a past that will forever stay buried in my soul