3: Rendezvous

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A/N: I want to give a big thanks to Mrs.Haynes by wonderfull friend who has contributed greatly to this book!

Maeson pursed her lips, brow furrowed creasing her forehead. Her outfit lay perfectly on her bed. This was the first date she had ever been asked on, and now, the first date she had been cancelled on as well. "Are you still going to go?" Her friend, Rachel questioned, Maeson could hear the other girl typing away over the receiver.

"I should, Jackson and I haven't hung out in a while..." She trailed; her eyes reverted to the clock on the night stand next to her bed. The outfit consisted of casual maroon dress, with a mesh overtop and a thin black belt sewn onto the dress, a black blazer and silver flats. Her eyes scanned the outfit, looking at the other various clothes she tossed around looking for the dress she never wore.

"But Lydia will be there, right?" Rachel asked. Maeson could hear her raise her eyebrow within the question. "And Lydia's pretty...um, harsh, as so to speak." Maeson laughed, throwing her head back and looking at the ceiling. "Oh snap! Mase, you need to catch up on Supernatural, Castiel j-"

"Ay! Don't tell me, okay, I'll catch up sooner or later." Maeson cut the girl off with a smile.

"Yea, sure, the sooner the better." Rachel muttered and Maeson rolled her eyes. "I'm gonna hang up now, because unlike somebody, I'm caught up on Supernatural. Bye!"

Laughing, Maeson ended the call, tossing her phone onto the bed. Moments of silence passed before she began to dress. "Oh no." Maeson eyed herself in the mirror; the dress hugged her curves in excellently, showing off her long muscular legs. "This- this isn't casual at all!" She spun, trying to look at herself at all angles. "What is this? Why did I buy this?"

Her phone interrupted her rant, her frustration eased as the caller ID flashed. Bringing the phone to her ear, she blew out her mouth coolly. "Hello?" The tone of her voice changed, and her eyes widened as she realized how she sounded. Tossing her hand in the air, she mentally argued with herself for her choice of greeting.

"Hey, are you still coming?" Jackson's voice held a chuckle in it. "Because I'm right outside your house." Maeson's eyes widen as she looked at herself in the mirror. "Are you ready?"

The line went silent for a moment before Maeson answered. "U-um, no." Jackson chuckled.

"Are you dressed?"

"No." Maeson blurted, "I mean, I am, but... it's not public appropriate." She quickly added. A knock on her door startled her, but she quickly opened it. Jackson's smirk towered over her. He hung up his phone, putting it into his pocket.

"Not public appropriate?" Jackson teased and Maeson's cheeks flared, her tanned skin concealed the blush but not by much. "Maeson you look beautiful." The room went quiet for a moment, Jackson stuttered on his posture. He didn't know whether or not to take it back, but he did mean it, she looked amazing. His eyes dropped to her feet, trailing up her legs, to her slim waist. Biting his lip in frustration, he knew he couldn't deny that he wanted to be the one to wrap his arm around her, to pull her close.

"I should have just put on jeans, I mean, we're just bowling." Maeson wanted Jackson to laugh at her clothing choice, to agree that the dress was not as casual as the tag promised. But Jackson didn't, and his staring didn't help the heat of her cheeks.

"Maeson shut up and just put your shoes on." Jackson smirked; Maeson's lids pealed back which only widened Jackson's smirk. He didn't like being the one toyed with, or teased. He held the smirk, they held the blush. Just how the world worked in Jackson's mind.

Slipping her shoes on, Jackson helped her with her blazer. His fingers lightly brushed her shoulder blades, leaving behind a feathery touch. "Don't forget socks, since you're wearing... flats?"

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