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I got off the plane at 6:00 in the morning.I stretched a lil bit.As I rolled my suitcase behind me.

As I went to go sit down I bit my lip.They sho do got sum fine jawns in Chicago.I licked my lips and sat down as I went to call Trey.

"I just got off the plane."

"Alright see ya nig."He said.Before I could respond he hung up.I texted my mother letting her know I was safe.I know she at least cares.Just not my fatha.

I pressed the home button.About to go on instagram but the tv mounted on the wall caught my attention.

"Yes Dave they decided to do a documentary
On hurricane Katrina it will take place in New Orleans...

They will show
Survivors,New buildings and the devastation... You know they even said it would get an page
In a history book...."

"Oh really and what survivors have they chose Maria

I leaned in forward to watch closer.

"Here we have names and pictures...we have...August Alsina....Alyssa Mcray....Troy Lemont,Trey Davis,Tori Minaj."

My eyes popped out my head .Trinidad's mom is still alive I wonder if Triny is alive wit ha.

They continued on wit all da T names I frowned with lost hope as Trey called .I guess she really is gone.As they said S names.

"Hey cmon im outside."Trey said into the iPhone.In a disappointed tone I said "okay."

What August didn't know was what happened on tv when he walked out...

"Oh whats that?"Maria said as she touched the earpiece."Oh it seems I have forgoton about a Trinidad Jones."Maraia said with a smile.

"Ha ha ha classic Maria."Dave said with a sarcastic laugh.

"Oh suck it Dave."She said with a fake smile.


"Damn that boi look good
!"Chasity said as the news talked bout hurricane Katrina.

I got shivers up my back and goosebumps thinking about the frightening night.

It was early in the mornin and I couldn't sleep I felt anxious.Like my heart knew something I didnt.

Or I was a magnet looking for the metal to connect to.Either way it felt weird.

I put my feet into my slippers.And went to go walk downstairs.But halted as I heard my name on the news.

"Triny is that true?"I heard Chasity ask.I could feel tears well up."Please I would rather not talk bout it."

I said.I was already angry at who even recommended me for this bullshit documentary.The only people who knew were my foster parents and my family.

But I knew it was my foster parents.I stomped down the stairs upset.Hearing the tv on and hearing my foster parents havin a grand ole time.

"How could you?"I said.They looked at me in confusion."Who ever asked me if I wanted to do a documentary."I said while pointing at both of them than at me.

They looked at each other than my foster mother spoke."We needed the money and think of it as a why of thankin us for bringin us in."

"No!That's not fair I don' rememba askin yall to take me in or it's my memory and the tragic thing I went through not you or him so stop bein selfish and take me out da documentary shit!"I said while raising my voice.

After The Storm ||August Alsina&Nicki MinajWhere stories live. Discover now