Chapter 9

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"C'mon Triny one more step."Chasity said as she had my arm around her neck.

Helping me up the steps.I grunted going up the steps.Finally reaching the top floor.

I sat on the comfortable bed.I looked at the rooms surroundings at least I knew I had good taste.

Deciding to change my clothes.I wobbled my way over to where I saw a closet at.

"You good?"Chasity asked I nodded my head.She nodded back with a weary smile before closing the door on me.

As soon as she left I cried why did me and August have to be seperated again.

While lost in my thoughts and carefully putting sweat pants and a t-shirt on I winced as my arm moved a lil.

I heard a door slam it sounded like it was coming from down stairs.Than I heard hushed voices talking.

"X get the fuck over yourself how do you think i feel that she can't remember me too!?"

"She rememba that every the month of the day nigga you just as selfish as me than....
the fisrt thing you asked her when she woke up was,' why did you leave me?"

I heard a pause."X l-."

"Nah you tryna get in my ass bout dumb shit Chast not once did you ask her if she was okay or did she need any thing or what the fuck was wrong wit her...NO You fuckin didn't you as much as a selfish bitch as me than!"I heard than a bang.

"Shut the fuck up X you just as selfish too more worried bout an old flame with her than her well being to make your self look good..y-you SAID SO YOUR FUCKIN SELF THAT EVERY RICH NIGGA NEED A BAD BITH ON THEY ARM!"

Damn so thats the way it is im just a object to this X guy."News flash mutha fucka only pussy niggas worry bout they appearance with someone than they love for some one dumb nigga!"

I cringed I hated when people said nigga.I jumped hearing a wham noise.

"What the fuck X d-did you just throw a knife at me dumb nigga?!"

"Why was it a pussy nigga move?""X get the fuck out my face you crazy ass nigga!""Im crazy but you bipolar and have been in a mental institution."

It got quiet for a minute.I don't think I like t-"Ha HAAHAAHA!"Is she laughing?."You want crazy ill show you crazy!"I heard laughing again.

"Yo chill Chas im fuckin sorry.""Ain no sorry nigga."I heard something break."Stay your crazy ass away from me Chas watch when I get some of my home girls after you bitch!"Than I heard a door slam.

I don know what the fuck just happened i don really care im-

"Are you ok?"Chasity poked her head through my room with a crooked smile as her hair was Messed up and she had some blood from the corner of her lip.

And a broken vase in her hand.I nodded slowly she nodded back."Tomorrow im gonna get you applied for school since you been home schooled from our suck ass parents fuck them we only need each other right?"She asked.

As she dropped the vase on the floor opening her arms up for a hug tilting her head to the side smiling.

"Right!?"She asked making me jump and I nodded quickly hugging her she hugged me back tightly."Your never gonna leave me again sis."

"Get yo dumb ass up the stairs boi."My mutha said as she pushed me in the back making me lose balance a little bit.

I ignored her and went to the living room seeing my father smoking a cigar.

I cleared smoke out my face in the smoke filled room."Take a seat boi."I gave him a dumb look.

What the fuck was I gonna do stand in the living room?

I bit my tounge and sat on the couch.As he sat on da luv seat.Looking at me.

"Lil nigga when did I say or give you permission that you could go to that raggedy ghetto city."He said as he picked up his gold ash tray.

No my fatha wasn't a drug dealer or a king pin or that fake shit he owned a lot of fast food resteraunts and owned shoe design places.

I shrugged."Yall really ain give a fuck bout a nigga fo real."I said as I took my shades off since it was always dark in hea.

He chuckled as always taking me fo a joke.I heard clicking in the kitchen Comin from the stove meanin my motha was cookin.

"Pussy mustve been good eh that international travelin shit what's...ha name.Trinity?Hmm I fucked ha motha doh so she probably a hoe like ha!"He said and laughed.

As I clenched my jaw togetha."Triny is many things but a hoe.."I said."You neva know like motha like daughta."He said as he took a swig of beer as well.

I ignored him my fatha was known fo gettin under my skin."Besides I don know why you worried bout a bitch that tried to kill you on purpose."

I blinked hard and when I did the scary moment of me getting hit by a car rushed back to me.

"Shut up she ain do it on purpose Triny loves meh."

"Triny love many things to yo point is?Exactly she just like ha mutha I bet she was tryna get a insurance check she know you rich right so think bout it."

"She prob faked the whole thing how the fuck you foget somebody than rememba after a car accident think bout it son."He said as he squished the cigar into the ash tray.

He patted my head walking away.

No.Triny wouldn't do that...would she?

"What am I gonna tell X?"Gin asked looking at me as tears welled in her eyes.I rolled my eyes as her horomones acted up again.

See Ginneva was just a one night fuck at X's release party from two weeks ago.

I ain worried bout no wonder bread right now im tryna make things right but I fucked up with Chasity....twice.

Last time I fucked up I woke up the next day on the ground with a big ass pot by me and a goose egg on my forehead.And a note on my forehead saying.

-'I hope I knocked enough sense into you.

-xoxo Chas.

At that Moment I knew that I was fucked up for the last few days I've hardly gotten enough sleep thinkin she was gonna kill me in my sleep.

"You gon be there for us Trey right?"She asked rubbing her stomach and lookin at me I nodded and lied back down thinking about Chas.

After The Storm ||August Alsina&Nicki MinajWhere stories live. Discover now