Days turned into weeks and the weeks turned into a month. Sky did the same thing over and over again. Wake up, eat, and then start her classes were she would fight, hide, eat, fight, run, and then sleep. There was zero time for hanging with rocker or Bella or EVEN KATLYEN~CHAN! HER ROOMMATE!

One day Sky woke up, ate, and ran to school. But, everyone was sent to the auditorium instead of going to their first period. Sky sat with Katlyen~chan as others piled into the room. After some time one of the teachers stood next to a microphone on the stage.

"Good morning everyone! As most of you know you all are at this school to become a guard or an assassin for one of the twenty kingdoms in the world. But, starting today we will also be making some of you become maids, butlers, shop keepers, and actors to have a normal human life! This is only for children that can only lift things with their minds or are witches. Mef'was, werewolf's,  and other creatures this will NOT effect you in anyway. Because of this, we will now have art, music, talent shows, plays, fairs, and much MUCH MORE!"

The room was silent. Almost 17% of students were witches! Sky turned even more pale then she was already. What was going to happen to her? Sky looked at Katlyen~chan confused.  Katlyen~chan shrugged her shoulders and looked back at the stage.

"Starting tomorrow we will be starting a talent show! You can fight, act, or even sing! Sign ups will be in here! That's all."

It took so long for the teacher to talk that everyone was sent back to the domes.

Sky sat on her bed. All her life she had been trying so hard in school to be one of the best fighters and magic maker. but, she was only a witch. would they make her be a waiter? What about the years of training? And what about Katlyen~chan? Would they never see each other again? Laying on her bed, sky slowly fell asleep.

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