"I can't believe that you woke me up just to bring me to a stupid lacrosse field" Michelle said looking like a zombie

It took sky about a half-an hour to finally get Michelle to the field. At one point sky had to carry Michelle because there was mud. Sky didn't mind. Michelle was only 140+ pounds so she
was light and easy to pick up.

"So.....where are the shoes?" Michelle said looking around

"Ummm....they'll be here any second?"

"Wait! I thought you said you found them here. Why are we waiting for the shoes?"

"Don't worry about it"

The girls stood there in silence for a few minute

"Sooooooooooo is Travis your boyfriend?"

Sky quickly be came as red as a tomato, "where did you get an idea like that?!?"


"I'm here to learn to fight and defend a kingdom Michelle, I'm not not here to find "love"

"So you don't mind if I take him?" A huge smile grew onto Michelle's face.

"No thanks" a voice said

The two girls looked behind them to see Travis. But the weird thing is it didn't look like Travis. He had red eyes instead of gray, his tail and ears were very fuzzy and he couldn't stop shacking.

Sky quickly walked up to him,
"What took you so lon-"
Before finishing her words, Travis threw her to the ground and he walked faster over to Michelle.

"Um,wh-what are you are you doing?" Michelle asked kind of scared

Travis turned into his full wolf form and ripped Michelle to the ground. He then started to take chunks of her hair out of her head with with sharp, teeth.

Her screams were horrible to listen to but, sky couldn't move. It's like her body was glued to the ground.

Travis started to get more crazy and he kept going. He began to rip into the human girl flesh, ripping her apart limb from limb. Through he was only ripping her skin about Michelle started to bleed through her mouth and one of her eyes came out of her head.

Michelle was dead and there was nothing sky could do but run to the dorms and hide.

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