The Sequel To Tremaine....... I Need You

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Author's Note:

Ok at the ending of the story I told ya'll that I was making another story that tells Chris Brown's Story but I couldn't really think of anything to write so I stayed away from the story but I decided since this story became such a big hit I'm going to make a sequel to this one called That psychopathic Love..............

It basically means that Love can make you do some crazy things.............. But the surprise is whos crazy enough to be in love?

Everyone has their own definition of love..... Puppy Love, Drake Love, Mariah Carey Love, Endless Love but in this story Love is Psychopathic, It'll have you going crazy.....Literally but since I have a good idea for this story I'm going to start now so stay tuned......

From your story writer DontJudgeMePlz A.K.A PrettyPinkLips

>>>>> Photo of the story book cover

P.s if your wondering here are the questions soon to be asked and the answers

Q: Are the characters the same? A: Yes they are

Q: Is there going to be drama? A:Duhh lol naw yes there is

Q: is there going to be new characters? A: Yes there is

Q: What ever happened to Rihanna and Drake? A: You'll find out soon

Q: Is Tremaine and Mai still together? A: Yes and happily

Q: Is Chris and Anna still together? yes but some problems are in the mix ;)

Theres your little Q&A Now read on for more answers

Ok for the ones who look for it the picture is supposed to say That Psychopathic Love my mistake about the spelling i'll try and fix it later because Photobucket is being stupid but if anyone knows any more picture editing websites please tell me in the comments below I'd be real grateful

Tremaine...... I Need YouWhere stories live. Discover now