Will You Marry Me?

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Yay!!! Everything is back to normal, I really am glad Mai and I are friends again because as crazy as she is my world is nothing without her and even though I just met Chris I still know in my heart that we were meant to be together,I mean that song he sang to me was perfect and beautiful and I had to make it up to him so I decided to do something special for him tonight but I had to get Mai and Trey out the house first *p.s I forgot to tell you guys there all living together you know cuz money tight so lol they all live in one big house* But how was I going to get them out the house,they haven't left the room since they got back together and I know you know what they be doing so I figured I'd give them a credit card to a hotel room but it's not mine it's Chris's but what he don't know wont hurt him hehe...I went to the room and I heard groaning and moaning but being a ex lesbian I walked in anyway they were so into it they didn't see me walk in until...... DAMN!!!! TREY GOT A BIG DICK WORK THAT SHIT TRIGGA!!!! they Both stopped and looked at me like I was crazy but I just laughed "Cmon Ya'll aint you guys done already I know Mai Pregnant already but damn stop trying to make another" Mai looked at me and laughed then she got up and walked into the bathroom, Trey just looked at me with hate in his eyes but then he smirked and I don't like his smirk because everytime that happens Chris pops up out of nowhere like his smirk is a channeling antenna for Chris, So I stopped laughing and looked behind me and what do you know....Chris is standing there with a evil smile on his face but he wasn't going to get me this time I ran into the room and hid in the bathroom while Mai was taking a shower. "Let Me Guess The Big Headed Monster out there"Mai said from behind the curtains. "Yup and he looks hungry" We both laughed and when it was quiet out there I walked out and I was heading to the door but then someone grabbed me from behind "AHHHHH LET ME GO PUT ME DOWN!!!" "Nope Big Headed Monster wants to eat now"Chris said in my ear and it sent chills up my spine but I wasn't going to let him get away with this so I told him to put me down so I could kiss him and when he was so into it I punched him in his junk and ran.......


I just got out the shower and I heard Chris and Anna talking but then it went slient so I walked out of the bathroom to find Trey on the bed laughing and Chris groaning loudly on the floor "What Happened to Chrissy boo"I said asking Trey, He just kept laughing and wouldn't even help Chris up, I walked over to Chris and helped him up "Wat happened boo boo" He looked at me in pain but he said Anna hit him in the junk and ran away and I smirked because I knew it would take Chris and Trey by surprise I bent down on my knees and got infront of Chris They both stared at me and looked funny I was about to unzip Chris's pants when he walked out the room quick.I laughed so hard and Trey was lookin at me and then he smirked "Thank You Now we can finish" I just shook my head and laughed"Your silly" I giggled. He looked at me and wiggled his eyebrows "Yea but you love me though" I walked over to him and kissed him slowly "Yup I love my Baby Boo" He picked me up layed me on the bed and you already know what happens next.


I'm Really glad i'm going to be a father I mean I know it's my first time having a child and People might not know but when I was younger I had the worst father ever he would beat on women and drink all the time and one day he finally got tired of it and just left my mama and I, She was so hurt that she wouldn't come out her room for a while but then I stepped up and took care of her and now even though I had a bad father I'm not going to be one to the baby coming into my life I'm going to be the best father he/she will ever have, I felt someone hit me upside my head and I looked up to see Mai standing over me "What's up Big Head"she said smirking. "Nothing just thinking about how I could've blown your back out"I said smirking. She just shook her head and laughed but then she smirked at me "Nope Boo Boo I would've blown YOUR back out" I laughed and then pounced on her, I ended up being on top and hovered over her I saw her face and she was taking back I leaned down and breathed on her neck "If I Had you You wouldn't be walking right now"I felt her jump underneath me and I just laughed at her because I remember her saying she was always the Biggest Chris Brown Fan and that she always wanted to be one of the girls on the stage when I did Take You Down and I figured since were going to be with our boos Why Not give her one last thing she's always wanted... I looked down at her and smiled she knew my smile so she was in trouble "Uhhh Chris why you smiling"she asked scared. I just shook my head got up and took her hand so I could take her somewhere "Where we going"She asked "Nope Not Telling You" I said with a smirk but it took 10mins to get to the place when we got there I blindfolded her so she couldn't see it but when I layed her on the couch she was hesitant but I kept going.... "Chris What's Going on? I grabbed my mic and starting singing Wet The Bed when I looked over at her she had crossed her legs but When I got To Take You Down that's when she started moving around so I took off my shirt and walked over to her it sucked that she was wearing a dress but it was much more fun so I took off her blindfold and her eyes went wide as fuck "What The F.....I pulled her to me so she can shut up and she just leaned her head back not saying anything "Ughhhh I hate you BigHead" I just smirked and trailed my hand up her thigh to between her legs while sucking on her neck She got Wet as Fuck but I stopped and got up to continue singing and I saw her face it was priceless she was so hating me right now but I just kept laughing until the song was over. I walked over to her and she just stared me down with no emotion on her face "What you looking at"I asked smiling. "This Shit Ain't Funny Grrrrr I HATE YOU"She shouted. I just pulled her to me and hugged her while laughing but then my laughing stopped when I felt her grab my dick Hard "OWWW LET GO!!" I Groaned "NOO YOU MADE ME WET AND NOW I'M GOING TO MAKE YOU HURT"She Growled but I grabbed her arms and she was strong but I was stronger so I pulled her off and she just bust out laughing "This Shit Aint Funny Grrrr I HATE YOU"I Said mocking her and she stuck her tongue out at me as she started walking off backstage but I pulled her by her arm and slammed her into me "Be Careful I am With Child You Know"she stated. "I looked down at her lips and stuck out my tongue to trace her lips and she was going crazy knees wobbling and everything I had to laugh at her because she was acting like one of my fans but then she pushed me away and shook her head laughing "Cmon Lets go Back before they get worried" I just smiled put my arm around her shoulder and kissed her head "SOOO How did you like it seeing that you turned into one of my fans" She looked at me and smirked "You Better Be Lucky You Stopped because if you ever pull that shit again I promise you I will cut Your Dick off" I laughed and shook my head "No Please Mommy My Girlfriend would be pissed" She hit me upside the head and we got in the car heading home but first I had to stop somewhere and I needed Mai's help. On Some real shit I was feenin for Mai during that but I love Anna too much to hurt her and now I'm going to surprise her with something she always wanted.


I woke up to find Mai not next to me, I figured she was downstairs eating and watching tv so I got up to take a shower and not even 5mins later she walked into the room and opened up the bathroom door. "Hey Bai what you doinggg"she said mocking Isabella from Phineas and Ferb, "Nttin washing my body" I said teasingly. She stepped into the shower naked and I couldn't help but stare and when she caught me staring she smirked but continued washing her body and when she turned around I walked up to her and pushed her up against the shower wall softly then I kissed her neck heading to her shoulders then traced my fingers one at a time to the end of her back and I felt her knees wobbling so I caught her and wrapped her legs around my waist kissing her lightly on the lips finishing what I started.


I had two days to get ready for the big surprise for Anna, I was so nervous my throat dried up quickly but I wasn't backing out...

Sorry You guys for cuttin it off but I'm ready to publish it so imma finish on the next one and then that's it and because I love you guys I'm starting on the sequal now but part two of this is next so don't fall off your seats just yet.

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