Author's Note (Please Read for Viewer Discretion Advisory)

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Copyright © 2017 by iiDy3h4RD. All rights reserved.

Author's Note


Hello, everyone! My name is James, but you can refer to me as Jim or Jimmy. This is my first time writing an apocalyptic book like the one you are currently preparing to read, so I am excited how this will turn out. I would like to thank the miraculous conclusion of my moderate case of writer's block for allowing me to develop the concept of a new addition to the collection of such books, first of all, and second of all, I hope you find this book enjoyable.

There are a few things I would like to mention before you dive into the depths of this depiction of humanity competing against its own extinction.

Firstly, it is intended for audiences whose sophistication is relatively high as a consequence of its thematic elements. I am going to make this fact clear as a crystal to everyone preparing to read this before the plot unfolds before you to make certain that, as a reader walking the streets of Wattpad, you are lounging in your zone of comfort and know exactly what this book has to offer.

Strong language is used throughout the novel. It's an omnipresent theme in this book. This varies from blasphemous language to racial language to exceedingly commonplace expletives. Innuendoes are also briefly mentioned. Here's your warning: If you are easily offended by any of these types of insults or figments of humor, this book is not recommended for you. The verbal filthiness and brief mature humor are crucial to the plot, which will not make as much sense without these necessities. If you are starting to feel slightly uncomfortable, then I recommend that you move on. There are bound to be apocalyptic stories that are numerous times less gruesome and humorous in a sinister way than this one, so you should start with those.

There are intense sequences of realistic sanguinary violence and action including potentially disturbing depictions of injury or deceased bodies. This theme is not extremely crucial to the plot, but frequently appears in this novel, and heightens the level of enhancement and realism. It varies from brutal murder to intense gunfights to the sight of cadavers undergoing the process of decomposition. Grisly sequences of torture are also included within the novel, which are also one of the plot's necessities in order for it to make sense.

Use of alcohol and a variety of drugs is mentioned numerous times. This, like the scenes of violence and critical conditions, but unlike the frequent strong language, is not a prevalent theme, but it is one of the plot's importances and must be included for the story to unfold as intended. Not feeling too comfortable while reading this paragraph? Perhaps reading this book might not be as ideal as you originally thought.

Political content is briefly included, which is potentially responsible for sparking controversy in the comment section. If this element of the story is not personally suitable, you have been warned.

Any derogatory statements for everyone to view in the comment section are strictly prohibited. Any sexist, homophobic, racist, blasphemous, or other offensive varieties of comments will be reported. If a user persists to express their problems with interracial marriage, interreligious relationship, same-sex marriage, people whose skin varies in color, or sufferers of brain disorders, physical disabilities, or other medical conditions—all of which are mentioned in this book—etcetera, I will proceed to mute that user. I will not tolerate any comments that negatively influence other users either, and will report them if that persists.

I am the owner of this story. Anyone who attempts to steal, copy, or reproduce this story or any other works of fiction by me shall be reported upon my discovery of their misdeed, or if I am notified of this offense by another user, which is highly appreciated. I will not tolerate the action of one claiming that my work is theirs. I do not own the photograph that I used for the cover, but I essentially own everything else, excluding any images, music, or other audio clips that I may sporadically add enhance the story.

This is a work of fiction. All names, places, and incidents are either figments of my imagination or are used fictitiously. Any resemblance to actual people, living or deceased, or true historic or current events is genuinely coincidental. 


[UPDATE] I originally marked this story as "Mature," but after rummaging through the story in my head, I realized that only specific chapters contain graphic thematic elements, and the others are filled with occasional to frequent strong language, but that number of thematic elements does not reach the point of considerably being "mature" or R-rated. The ratings of these chapters would likely be considered as PG or PG-13.

Besides, I want to challenge myself and see if Immobility can work its way up into the rather large numbers. I learned that rating your story 'Mature' would not gift it the opportunity to reach the status of becoming a rank on the hotlists of its genre or get featured.


[SUMMARY] Everything in the life of seventeen-year-old Meredith Hintermeister is nothing more than ordinary. The conclusion of her junior year at Cottonwood Springs High School is nearly upon her, and she has a lot of crucial activities scheduled throughout the approaching summer to prepare for the new chapter of her life.

However, those preparations for the upcoming first chapter of her adulthood are brusquely washed down the drain when a series of increasingly lethal disasters begin to decimate the globe. Meredith and her family pursue their only chance of survival by abandoning their home and trekking across the crumbling country, desperately trying to outrun the cataclysmic events undoubtedly giving chase. But everything takes a turn for the worse when they fall into the path of a team of vicious miscreants, who are ultimately given the choice of sparing their lives or unsympathetically adding them to the list of those murdered by these malevolent men.

Riddled with adventure, despair, distrust, and consternation, Immobility tells the gripping tale of Meredith Hintermeister's treacherous journey across the surface of a moribund planet.


A new appurtenance to Immobility shall appear every Saturday evening until the completion of the novel.

On that note, I'm going to throw you into the book. If you have any questions, feel free to write them in the comment section below, and I might answer them, as I'm online frequently. Thank you for spending your time processing this information to prepare yourself for what this book offers, and I wish all of you a wonderful read!

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