Chapter 1

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The crowd cheers for me as I race down the ice. Stick in hand, and puck in front of me. The goal is in sight, the announcers voice booms through the arena.


I block it out; all I can focus on is the swooshing sound of the puck in the net.  I line up my shot and I go for it.



The sound of my alarm clock rips me from my dream. Never knowing if I made the goal or not. I roll onto my back, staring at my crème colored ceiling. Not wanting to get ready for another day in the hell I call school.

Figuring I had to get up sooner or later, I got out of my warm bed. Making my way towards the bathroom. I turned on my shower to the warmest it could get. Releasing my body of tiredness the instant I stepped under my shower-head.

After my hair was washed and my body cleaned, I stepped out and wrapped a towel around my body. I went the short distance from my shower to my sink and brushed my teeth, then my hair, and then put my contacts in.

I opened my closet door and found a pair of skinny jeans, and a sweater. I threw on some underwear and then my outfit for the day. I did my minimal makeup, threw on my sneakers, grabbed my bag and headed downstairs.

My mom was already awake and making her famous chocolate chip pancakes. I took my usual spot at the table, next to my little brother Toby. My mom set a pancake on my plate, and I drenched in syrup.

After eating I gave my mom a kiss on the cheek and Toby one on the head and headed out the door. 

I got into my black Jeep Wrangler, and started it. I love this thing, its my baby. I mean sure there’s not heat, and it doesn’t start all the time. Still, my dad gave it to me and I was going to keep it alive as long as I could. Even if he wasn’t.

I drove the short drive to my school. I pulled into my parking spot next to my best friend, Eric’s. He met me at my side and opened it for me. He’s so awesome, if he wasn’t like a brother to me then I’d totally go out with him. He’s also my co-captain of the Sea Hawk’s Hockey team.

“Hey Abbs, when are you going to let this thing rest?” Eric said.

“Eric, how many times have I told you, my dad gave this to me for a thirteenth birthday present. “

“Abby, that was four years ago.  It didn’t run great back then either.”

“Whatever Eric, lets go.” I said through gritted teeth.

“Abby, I’m sorry. I didn’t mean to ruin your day already.”

“Just stop, we’re done with this conversation.”

Eric and I met up with the rest of the team at the front of the school, chatting and talking about the upcoming season.

“Hey, there’s our captain!” Brody greeted me, making my presence known.

“Hey guys.” I greeted back.

“So, what are we doing after school today?” Eric asked.

“Oh, we can hang at my place. I have to watch Toby though.” I said.

“Aw, we love Toby it’s all good.” Nick, my right wing chimed in.


“Ugh, c’mon Abbs it’s biology time.” Brody said, while linking his arm through mine.


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