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I woke up to surrounded by building, I look up seeing the bright blue sky and the clouds floating by. 'Oh I'm back here..' I said sighing as I sat up. A shadow figure hovers over me, I look up to see an angry hollow standing above me.

"Look what the cat dragged in." He snarled as he stood to my feet and crossed my arms.

"What the hell is your problem?"

"You dyin' on me, King!" Shiro shouts,"We would've​ been both dead because you so stubborn to let me in control!" He hissed as his eyes held full rage.

"Well the last time I let you out, you almost killed Renji!" I shout as I get into His face.

Shiro then smirks,"Well he was in the fuckin way, it's his fa-"

I didn't let him finish, I brought my arm back and punched him square in the jaw. He stumbled back and glares at me, he spits his black blood​ at my feet.
"Now you're gettin' it, King..." He hissed as he kicked me in the stomach, I flew back and hit one of the buildings.

"Damn!" I growl as I pulled out my zanpaktuo as Shiro did the same.

"Shiro! Stop this, it's just stupid!" I shout as he ignores me and sung his blade at me. I Dodged and it slightly nicked my cheek.
He flashed stepped behind me, I quickly turned around and he kicked my stomach and I flew back and my sword scattered a few feat away from me. I gasp for air as i look up at the hollow who was smirking down at me.

"Wow...You already done? It haven't been five minutes n' you already lost...How weak....And you know I won't carry a king that is weaker than me!"  Shiro said rasing his zanpaktuo high over his head and smirks at me. "Now it's time to take off that crown of yours!"  He yells as he brings down the blade.

"Tsk.." I moved off the ground and grabs his wrist and twisted it, he drops the sword, I kneed his stomach causing him to fall back. I picked up his Zanpaktuo and I swing down the blade just beside his neck, nicking his skin and black blood drops down as Shiro looks up at me in shock.

"I'm not weak...And I told you once before, I won't let you throw me off your back and crush my skull, do you remember?" I growl at him. Shiro glares at me but nods.

I move away from him and stuck out my arm, Shiro hesitate and grab my hand and stood up,"Don't think I'm not giving up." He grumbles

I smile at him,"I know but I did have to remind you who's boss of my soul." I chuckled as I saw everything turn white and Shiro begins to fade.

"Well I guess this is it, King...Until we meet again, n' I think it'd be real soon."

"I don't doubt that for a bit..."

"Remember what I'll do to you if I sense the slightest weakness in ya."  He said smirking as he grips my arm before disappearing completely.

"Like is said, Shirosaki, I won't let you..."

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