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Wow, another book finished... Seems like just yesterday I sat down and started typing away on the second book to the Wicked Winter Chronicles. Crazy how time flies when you're having fun.

I have so many people to thank that helped me push through the novel. It was the first sequel I've ever written, after all, so it eas quite difficult. Frozen Fear was a milestone that I couldn't hurtle over if it wasn't for so many special people.

First I would like to thank my parents, Dad and Janet, because if it wasn't for your constant and overwhelming support and motivation I wouldn't even have the gumption to sit in front of my conputer. And to my cousin Kristen, who reads and slaves over every chapter almost as much as I do, for you are my role model in life, and if it wasn't for you I wouldn't have found my passion. And last but not least, my other half, Blake Shane. Thank you for your unending love and support, for you crazy ideas and even crazier plot twists. I love you madly, sweetheart.

But wait.... I'm forgetting someone(s).

My readers! Thank you all for going over my chapters, saying so many kind things that make my heart soar and my desperation to write grow ever stronger. You guys are amazing, I love you all.

See you in the next book of the Wicked Winter Chronicles, Sinister Secrets.


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