Perfect Pairs

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"So here are the names I have assigned." Ms. Bustier held a clipboard with a paper clipped to it, which most likely had all our names written on it, "Ivan and Max, Kim and Juleka, Rose and Alya-"

I sighed and let myself drift into my own thoughts, completely blocking the teacher out. None of the pairs she called out I cared to listen to anyway. The only pair I cared and wanted to hear were Chloe and-

"Adrien and Marinette." Ms. Bustier called out and my head immediately shot up in surprise, leaving all my thoughts behind. I quickly zipped my head around for the third time that day to see Adrien turn around to that trash and flash her one of his signature grins I had come to love.

That bluenette freak was stealing Adrien away from me.

There was no way I was going to allow them to be pairs for the assignment.

"Wait!" I cried, interrupting the teacher from saying the next pair of students, "Adrien and I are supposed to do the assignment together!"

I heard multiple groans from the other students and a couple of snickers, but I didn't care. Adrien was supposed to be with me; be my partner! Not partners with some commoner!

"Chloe, whoever you are paired with you will stay with." The teacher responded, trying her best not to groan herself, "There will be no changing."

I took a side glance behind me again to see Adrien and Marinette both staring at me with wide eyes; Adrien especially almost look humiliated at the situation that involved him and I.

The look on his face made my determine look die a bit; the way he was looking in my direction almost looked like he was ashamed that I had even brought this up.

But being the stubborn girl I was, I couldn't help but try to protest, "But Ms. Bustier-"

"That's enough Chloe." The red headed teacher interrupted me as she turned her attention back to the board; deciding to instead write the pairs' names assigned rather than call them out. I couldn't help but narrow my eyes at the back of her head and growl in annoyance. No one was allowed to interrupt me!

When the teacher had finished writing all the names she hadn't called out on the board, each student was allowed to step up to the front of the class and check who their partner was. Sabrina was the first to bolt from her seat and rush to the names; I just rolled my eyes at her childish behavior, crossing my arms above my chest as I did so.

No matter how much I wanted to keep my eyes to the front of the class, I couldn't help but turn once again to look at Adrien and the girl who seemed to be catching all his attention. She was giggling at something she was showing the blond, and he was smiling happily at her which was making my anger grow even worse.

"Um Chloe?" Sabrina tapped my shoulder and I quickly turned to look at her, slightly surprised that I hadn't heard her approach our desk, "We're not partners for the assignment."

My face fell immediately and I furrowed my eyebrows up at her, "What do you mean 'we're not partners?' Who is supposed to do my project for me? We have to be partners! You must've seen wrong!"

"But I swear I didn't!" Sabrina protested, "We're not partners for the assignment."

I scowled at the thought; not only did Ms. Bustier take away my opportunity of having Adrien as my partner, but she also took Sabrina, my personal slave, too?! "Then who did you get?"

Sabrina shyly looked up and pointed over to the desk behind us where the short girl with dreaded locks sat, "I got Mylene." She replied almost in a whisper.

I just rolled my eyes, "Then if you're not my partner, and neither is Adrien, then who did I get for this stupid assignment?"

Sabrina almost seemed afraid to answer me; her eyes fell back to the floor after I had asked her and she shifted uncomfortably from where she stood. I tapped my foot under my desk, my impatience beginning to rise as I stared at her annoyed.

"Well?" I asked, after she refused to answer me right away.

At that she looked up, making eye contact with me before she replied, "You got Nathaniel."

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