Scorching lies of hell

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"It's nothing," Nathaniel completely backed away from me now, standing to his feet to get away from me as much as he good and try to keep his scar hidden from my curious eyes.

However I was no fool, and I wasn't very patient either, "Don't lie to me. I'm no idiot and I can clearly see a scar on your jawline. How did you get it?"

His eyes suddenly found the floor to be very interesting and he mumbled, "It's nothing Chloe."

I knew he was lying; I could feel deep down in my chest the aching feeling of a liar standing before me, "I said, don't lie to me. Just tell me the truth."

"Really Chloe, it's nothing." He repeated the same lie over again and it was beginning to drive me insane.

"How many times do you intend to repeat that lie hm?" I crossed my arms above my chest as I stare at him with a nasty glare, "Obviously it's not nothing if you have a nasty scar like that. I just want to-"

"Okay! I get it! Just stop!" Nathaniel's small outburst was defiantly something I didn't see coming and I immediately flinched at the shout, "I said it's nothing Chloe! Why are you wanting to pry in my business so badly?"

His reaction defiantly took me off guard, but I was a very impatient person and I was always mean and selfish with others; pushing my buttons wasn't an option, "You know what? Fine! My bad for actually caring for once!" I sneered, stepping farther away from him, "Maybe you should just leave."

His eyes softened just a bit, "Wait Chloe, no, I-"

"Ugh, forget the sympathy speech!" I growled at him, "I hear those plenty enough and I'm sick of them! Just get out of my room."

Nathaniel's eyes widened slightly and I could see the sadness beginning to show through, but I didn't care, "What do you mean leave? What about the-"

"I don't care about the stupid project!" I cried; my emotions began to flood in and I could no longer control my words, "I don't care what grade I make! I don't care about my well being! I don't care about anything! I don't even care about you!"

Every time I told myself to watch my tongue, I always ended up making a mistake I always regretted. The last sentence I immediately regretted when I saw the look on Nathaniel's face.

He looked heartbroken.

"You....mean that?" He asked with so much uncertainty, "You really don't care about me? Even after the kiss we shared?"

The thought of the kiss made my heart flutter; of course the kiss meant everything to me! I was falling for Nathaniel pretty hard, but because I didn't really know any other way to express my emotions, I did it the only way I had come so prone to.

Just being a bully like so many people have labeled me as.

"That kiss didn't mean anything to me," I growled with so much hate and internally screamed at myself for lying to him and myself, "For all I know, you could've just been trying to get into my pants!"

"That's not true!" Came his retort, "I would never do anything like that without your conceit Chloe."

"And how do I know if that's just another lie or not?" I shot back sassily, crossing my arms once again across my chest to claim my victory.

However, Nathaniel had something prepared for me, "Secrets that are kept secrets are hard work, because almost everyone around you wants to pry into them. Sometimes, to protect a secret, you have to lie. If people didn't pry, there wouldn't be a need for a lie."

I furrowed my eyebrows at him, "'re not the only one with secrets! Almost every human being alive has them!"

"I never denied that," he answered calmly, "I'm sure you have your own little secrets too, don't you Chloe?"

Oh yes. I had plenty of secrets; many secrets in which I would be too afraid to even tell my father, let alone the red head standing in my room. And Sabrina? She didn't know anything secretive about me, because I played the card of a rich, popular girl in front of her eyes. I made my life seem perfect in front of everyone at school, when in reality, it wasn't.

"Well I'm not going to deny I have a secrets unlike you," I scoffed. Although, if I were in Nathaniel's shoes, my pride would've probably done the same thing.

"Chloe," Nathaniel started as he made a step closer to me and immediately took one back. I was still annoyed and mad that he was even here. His eyes saddened at my reaction, "Did you really mean what you said about that kiss? That it meant nothing?"

I looked up at him and our eyes instantly connected. At first, this would be the time where I would lie once again and my pride would shout no, that it meant nothing. But deep down in my heart, the kiss meant everything to me.

"Ugh okay," I groaned, because not all of my pride could wash away, "It was a lie okay? God, how dense are you? If I didn't like the kiss, do you think I would've allowed you to in the first place? Let alone continue for so long?"

Nathaniel was defiantly surprised with my answer, but I didn't let him respond, "I told the truth, so now it's your turn to come clean to me. Because if my feelings and your feelings are mutual, true honesty has to exist."

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