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Well I went to the police department and filed a report.I just want bella to be safe.Im going to send her somewhere she will never look.I cant leave her with prod hes going to Instagram,Tweet,and god knows what else.Maybe if I go dress like somebody else and with make up on to make me look different that lil Crazy Bitch wont know that's me.Imma do it!Im just going to send Bella with my mother and Derrick sadly.I don't even know why shes with him still.It just makes me sick!I told roc about my plan.

Roc:Alyssa Are you crazy?!


Roc:She knows where you are from and im pretty sure she stalks Craig.Than knowing how esay to get stuff out of Craig she can find out where Bella is.

Alyssa:NOPE!Not going to happen!

Roc:Man whatever I will go get her bags packed


I think that lil obsessed bitch had records and cameras in my house idk why or how.Im just going to talk in France because roc is part France he will understand.I got Bella ready packed her bags and went to get me and roc stuff because we gonna stay for like maybe 3 days.We got into the car which felt like she had a recorder and cameras in da car so I already told roc my plan in France.

Alyssa:Chresanto bébé imma besoin de vous pour me parler en français.(Chresanto Baby imma need you to talk to me in French)

Roc:Ugh! Bae vous savez que je n'aime pas dans ce speacking! Pourquoi dois-je le faire!(Ugh!Bae you know i dont like speacking in that!Why do i have to do it!)

Alyssa:Parce que j'ai un sentiment qu'elle avait des caméras et des enregistrements dans des sacs et dans la maison et la voiture(Because i have a feeling that she had cameras and records in are bags and in the house and car)

Roc:Elle travaille vraiment mes nerfs(She is really working my nerves)

Alyssa:Je sais bébé, mais son tout pour Bella.If je n'ai pas l'avoir ne me surprend pas le laisser obtenir far.I ne veux pas lui montrer comment j'agis.(I know baby but its all for Bella.If i didn't have her i wouldnt let it get this far.I dont want to show her how i act.

Roc:Je sais et je vous respecte pour cela(I know and i respect you for that)

Alyssa:Merci! Une autre chose aussi parler un peu espagnol ou allemande(Thank you! Another thing also speak a little Spanish or German)

Roc:Non, vous ne comprenez pas(No you don't understand it)

Alyssa:Oui je veux que mon père m'a appris quand il est revenu de là(Yes i will my father taught me when he came back from there)

Roc:Aww regarder mon apprentissage Lyssa ourson(Aww look at my Lyssa Pooh learning)

We just laughed.


***Skip to boarding the plan***

I sat in my seat.When something abnormal happened.Roc and I got a text message at the same time by the same person.The Caller ID read New Jersey.I didn't know who it was.Roc opened his and it read "Keep a close eye on the ones you love."Than I opened mine and it said "Be care where you are and the time.When your at that place."I looked at roc, he looked at me.Than we both looked at Bella.I swear this girl loves to sleep.

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