You did what?/He did what?

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Roc:"have Cameron been abusing you?"



Bella:YAS!He has he waits until mom isn't around.

Roc:Why !?

Bella:When he found out that I communicate with you he started because he said that Im his and only his

Roc:Oh hell nah!

Bella:Dad please don't do nothing crazy mom wont let me around you anymore if you do..


 -Next Day-

Roc Pov.

Im not going to let this niggah get away with hitting my baby girl...I drove Bella back home...Im bout to put an end to this.I packed my bags since baby girl said that her prom is in 2 days and she wants me to go to prom with her.I will just stay at my mom house than.When I pulled up to the house i stormed up to the door.I banged as hard as I could on it.


Roc:Um yea...You should be ashamed of your self..

Alyssa;About what?

Roc:You will find out soon and Bella will be spending the night with me and my mother for a few days

Alyssa:Uh NO she doesn't even wanna go with you

Bella:Okay Daddy my bags packed..

Alyssa:Where you going?

Bella:With dad...

Cameron walked into the room.

Roc:Now you *points at Cameron* and I have some unfinished business that I will handle soon...

I just walked out just cant wait Babygirl Prom !Im so proud of her...Early grad like her Dad..

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