ƈɧą℘ɬɛཞ 2 .Saved from the whipped cream.

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After giving Harper a tour of the school we arrived in my favourite class. Astronomy!
"You're going to love astronomy! It's the best subject in the school right next to science! I know it's a long shot but an astronaut is my dream" I begun blabbering on about astronomy to Harper and to my greatest surprise she listened to my every word. Ok now a normal girl would look at me like 'um I think I have confused you for someone who can actually achieve his dreams'.
"I've always had an interest in the galaxy. Hey random question do you think that there is life on other planets?" I said, probably looking insane right now.
"Defiantly! One hundred percent. But I don't think that they mean to do us any harm. I mean if I had a space ship I would go out and search for alien life" she said smiling at me, it's pretty astonishing I've met someone who actually is interested in what I have to say.
"I'm with you on that one" I said simply. Oh my gosh how is she still talking to me!? I should consider putting a stop watch on to see how much longer this will last. Wait.....is this a scam of some sort? Could there be hidden cameras watching my move? Could she be a secret television host for a show titled 'dumb nerds hitting on girl'? Without a second thought I blurt out.
"Can I ask you something serious?"
"Yeah anything" she said looking slightly taken aback. With a very childish tone I ask.
"Where are the cameras?" She stared at me for awhile before laughing loudly.
"There aren't any. It's just me" she said snickering.
"Wait a second..." I say, I stop walking which forces Harper to as well.
"I heard the bell for class, but it hasn't started" I say to her, I look to my left and see a bowl of whipped cream hovering in front of my face. What the hell!!? Whipped cream? How did it get there!? I swiftly turn behind me, oh guess who's behind it? That's right! Mark. He's hand stretched, ready to hit the living daylight out of me.I shut my eyes in reaction. A few moments pass, have I passed out again? Really Heath?
I open my eyes a little bit, and to my surprise Harper is holding onto Mark's wrists, he looked like he was struggling to move his hands from her grasp. What the heck is happening!? Harper...is standing up against Mark? Now I defiantly must've passed out! I notice that all the people in the corridor have stopped, every single pair of eyes staring at me who happens to be looking dumbfounded and Harper holding Mark's wrists. The bowl drops to the floor with a loud clatter, Harper lets go of Mark's wrist.
"You've got a girl friend Heathy boy? Hey! Look everyone Heath can actually talk to people!" He said laughing loudly, expecting praise from everyone else.
"Mark back of!" Harper screams at him.Wait..how does she know his name? It doesn't matter at the moment, this is intriguing.
"Oh It appears I was wrong! Heath can't talk to people! So instead he made a freaking robot in his garage! Ha! How romantic" he said sarcastically with a sneer. Laughter sprouted from the crowd. Well there's Mark's praise...Suddenly something extremely strange happened, something so abnormal that I didn't think it was possible. The surrounding grounds turned ice cold, like water solidifying into ice. Everyone's once laughing breaths turned into chatters as they all hugged themselves desperately wanting to conserve heat. Harper who looked furious, stormed out of the corridor exiting through a door that lead towards the court yard and then she was out of sight. Once Harper retreated the room slowly begun rising into room temperature, everyone whispering about what he had just witnessed. Did Harper do that? Is that even remotely possible? Without a doubt in my mind I ran past Mark, using this advantage to push him out of the way. Wait...did I seriously push Mark? The kid that could literately beat me up until I'm nothing but bone and dust! I pushed the thought aside, I had other things that were more necessary. I swung the door open, retracing Harper's every step. I saw another door ajar, I quietly pushed it open. I saw Harper crouched on the wall clutching her wrist, holding a bracelet with a symbol on the top of it. The bracelet was metal and shined when the sun reflected upon it, spiral stars carved around the bracelet. I walked towards her, standing beside her.
"Are you okay?" I asked her softly, trying to avoid my gaze on the bracelet.
"It's only been, like what? Fifteen minutes? And I still can't control my temper! This is more difficult then I anticipated" she said sounding hurt, she sighed heavily, a concerned look washed upon her face.
"I was home schooled" she added, expecting me to judge her. We stayed in silence for awhile before I felt the need to speak.
"This is my everyday life, I get bullied and beat up. But you shouldn't worry about jerks like them, they will not worry you" I said trying to sound reassuring.

"Why wouldn't they worry me? I just saved you from turning into a clown" she smile jokingly.
"Are you kidding? A teacher wouldn't have your strength to even poke him" I said playfully, "Thanks by the way, how are you so strong? How did you hold Mark's wrist like that!?"
"Its nothing special at all..you see my dad is in the army. We are always moving from place to place, when I was little I wanted to be just like him. I wanted to be incredibly strong and strong minded like my dad and till this day I still train to achieve my goals" she said looking proud, I felt a sudden wave of envy.
"I forgot what it was like to have a dad...m-mine passed away when I was ten years old. He died from a hit and run motorcycle accident. Before when my dad was alive life was always fun and peachy, now it's just me and mum and me."
"Oh Heath! I'm so sorry to hear that!" She said sympathetically guilt washed on her face, "my sister died when I was 8 but I'm still a little shaky on the details-"

The school bell rung loudly throughout the room, the sound startling is. We begun speed walking to class, my frustration levels rising,
"We're late! Quickly! I'll show you to your locker. Wait...you do have astronomy don't you?" I splattered out all at once, Harper lit up instantly.
'Hell yes! This is great Heath!"
"Quick put your stuff into your locker or we will be late"
Her smile still hadn't disappeared from her face, she laughed at me.
"You haven't even shown me where it is yet".
I shut my locker door quickly, almost dropping my books.
"Do you know what number it is?" I asked her quickly.
"It's locker fourteen"she responded with a huge grin. I raised an eyebrow,
"um...that's mine" I said throughly confused.
"Just seeing if you would notice" she said with a bright smile.
"If I'm honest I'm really happy that someone wants to talk to me for a change" I said feeling slightly abashed.
"That's because I know things about you that interest me... Er.. but not in a creepy way." She said quickly looking slightly red. After a moment of tedious silence.
"Your locker is actually behind me" I said pointing across the hallway.
"But that's such a long journey!" she said with a giggle. I smiled at her, still holding my books.
"Well...we need to pass the lava floor first" I laughed childishly.
I took three giant steps, making my way to her locker. I wave to her as she waved back from my locker.
"How's the view over there?" I said jokingly.
"Where did you go? I can't see you" she laughed, I found myself laughing at our childish yet completely normal (in my opinion) jokes. It felt fantastic to have someone interested in what I'm interested in, someone who didn't seem to judge nor criticise me. Then suddenly, as if I'd been hit across the head, realisation hit me. My face dropping dramatically.

"What's wrong" Harper asked looking concerned.
"My glasses..." I said, desperately searching my pockets letting my books fall to the ground, "where are they? I didn't notice that they where gone...Harper when you woke me up did you see any?"
She shook her head, she ran over to me helping me gather my things.
"Great..I think Mark has them" I said worriedly, knowing my luck the glasses would be snapped in half and shattered into tiny pieces.
"Do you need them to see?" Harper asked me looking sympathetic. I slowly shook my head, she narrowed her eyebrows in confusion.
"As weird as this sounds...I can see perfectly it's just-"
"Heath! Class started two minutes ago! What are you doing roaming around?" My teacher, Ms Sanders said walking towards me and Harper looking furious.
"I was-"
"-Oh Heath I see you met our new student Harper!" She said happily, I was about to say that before she interrupted me.
"Well she's got every class with you except for maths! Well Harper, welcome and I hope you have a fantastic day!", she said brightly to Harper and in an undertone, "hurry up Heath! Your late, don't make me give you a detention!"
She walked away after giving Harper another warm wave and a glare to me.

"What's the code on this thing? Sorry I should've asked earlier" Harper said looking flustered, I placed my books a over the locker.
"Oh, it's triple zero then you can reset the code to whatever you like." I said turning the dials to triple zero before it opened up.
"Oh, thanks" Harper said looking at me gratefully. With a click of her locker the door swung open, she shoved her bag in taking a few linen books out. On her bag was a keychain of the universe, she shut her locker with a tiny slam and as she turned around to look at me as the bell rung loudly.
"You ready for first period?" I asked giving her a reassuring smile.
"More then you know" she replied with a smile, as we headed off to our first class. Little did I know she really meant what she said.

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