Chapter 3 *broken watch, broken time*

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Harper and I together in class, this had so many advantages! I wasn't a loner sitting in the back of the class, I had someone who actually was interested in what I had to say and the best one of Mark. This was defiantly the best astronomy lesson ever! And to top things off our teacher, Mr Yunta, left the class for thirty minutes to talk to that idiot, and Marks sidekick, Jasper after he had put a tack on Mr Yunta's chair and was caught red handed.
I must say I never thought in my entire life that I'd be happy the teacher left the room, this has given me time to talk to Harper about conspiracy theories and space.
The thing that stood out a over everything else was that she loved talking about it, she talked about a completely different, and slightly absurd, solar system with two Planets that inhabit life. One of these was called Safire that is full of mysterious animals that could shape shift into any animal beyond imagination, and another called Grade which in habits a species known as Gradians. They are both are close to each other and both orbit 'The red sun'. But every time Harper finished a sentence it always ended in ' but it's just a conspiracy'.
Before I knew it first period was over and the class was moving to their next class.

"That was awesome" Harper said happily as we made our way to science.
"I hate to say 'I told you so' but I told you so! Mr Yunta will never let you down, he can be fun when he is actually teaching us' I exclaimed as she giggled
"Hey Massy!" a voice yelled from across the hall, people had moved to the sided leaving a clear path for Mark. Of course it was Mark. Why wouldn't it be? When I'm having great time of course he has to come into the picture and ruin it.
"Don't think just because one of my bros are in detention you can get away free!" He said spitting on the floor, I shuddered in disgust. . I ignored him, I guess mainly because he was fifteen metres away from were me and Harper were and secondly his arm is all bandaged up probably from playing football. I continued walking away with Harper, then suddenly I yelped in shocked pain as my head was forced froward. A football rolling on the floor, I fall onto the ground from the impact my head pounding, I felt something grab my waist. I open my eyes and see, much to my embarrassment, Harper. Some people were laughing at me and taking out cures,
"Are you okay?" She says worriedly, her face full of concern.
"Yep just hanging" I try to sound causal and get rid of the fear in my voice as I blushed in embarrassment ," can let go catch by the way"
"Thanks" she says quietly, Harper lets go of me and I stand straight, completely forgetting that asshole who now is throwing paper balls at us, one hitting Harper on the forehead.

"Sorry to ruin your moment! But your face was screaming 'throw something at me'" shouted a laughing Clive standing beside Mark who now was two metres away from us. Harper's face was scrunched up in fury, she looked very intimidating and confident.
"Listen here you little wanks! I swear that if you ever annoy me or Heath again, I will put you twenty feet under the ground! Oh wait I probably shouldn't use measurements because I'm sure your tiny brains couldn't understand it! So I'll dumb it down, I'll dig your grave so that your bodies will slowly rot and you will be completely forgotten because no one will care!" She yelled, her fist clenched on either side of her. Everyone had stopped laughing now and the look on Clive and Mark's faces was priceless there faces rigid and pale in colour, where was my camera when I needed it?
Everything remained silent and still, as if nothing was moving. Someone was falling in midair to my left, and another spilling her water...but the water was in the air not moving...what was going on?
I looked at Harper who's eyes were shut tight and tears on the brim of her eyes.
"Harper?" I say putting a hand on her shoulder shaking her slightly. Suddenly her eyes opened up suddenly as I jumped back in surprise.
"The watch!" She exclaimed as she went through her pocket and pulled out an vintage pocket watch, she opened it quickly. The glass was cracked and the hands stopped moving. I looked around again and still nothing moved...this is beyond strange..I look at Harper once more with a confused and scared fad.
"Harper what is going on? Why isn't anything moving? Harper do you know?" I whimper not liking me being in oblivion, she looks at me in shock. Maybe she doesn't know either?
"How are you not frozen?" She questions me her tone and manner changed completely. Frozen? What on earth is she talking about?

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