ƈɧą℘ɬɛཞ 1 *Typical day for me, but it has changed* (2016)

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I hate those days where people make you feel like crap and I shall fill you in on what is happening.
"Catch the ball you whimpering coward!"
Who is that jerk I hear you ask? That's Mark and if you couldn't figure it out for yourself he is the head of the bully squad. (Along with his side kicks Jasper and Clive.) I am cornered at the back of the school which happens to be out of limits, so if I screamed with all my might, no one would come to save me. Mark's two side kicks holding my arms so I cant move a muscle, making me more venerable.
"Common catch it!" He snarls at me, bouncing the basketball threateningly.
"Mark stop it please I have done nothing to you!" I say quickly as I become a little more resistant as I shake of the pain of the basketball that was aggressively thrown at my stomach. Without a warning Mark throws the ball straight to my head. Pain coursing throughout my head, I felt like my brain was about to fall out from the impact.
"Ouch!... Mark please". I plead, struggling to get out of the arm lock that Mark's sidekicks have put me in.
"Mark! I can't take this anymore!" I scream loudly. It remained silent and then, the strangest thing occurred...was he actually putting the ball down? Was my worst nightmare really surrendering?
"Sorry I didn't know it was hurting you" he said, mockingly looking sympathetic.
"What the hell are you talking about?" I said throughly confused, Mark walked towards the rock garden. My confused gaze following him, he picked up a handful of rocks. Wait a minute! Are those for me? Rocks!?
"Rocks wont hurt, hey Heath" he smiled mischievously, throwing the rocks in the air, landing back into his hand. I'd prefer the basketball! I was terrified as I watched Mark's arm extend upwards, bracing for the horror that I knew would come next, suddenly I was saved by the bell. Literally.
It took a second to zone back into this world, I could here the faint ringing of the bell. Relief washed over me like a little boy finally getting a toy that he wanted.
"Looks like you've been saved by the bell four eyes" he smirks up at me. I looked away not wanting to be shoved to the ground, but of course knowing my luck that's exactly what would happen. The sidekicks grabbed my legs flipping me over. Pain shot through my back as I landed flat like a pancake. I wince in pain, cursing to myself. I rolled over on to my stomach, a rock digging hard into my torso. All the wind disappeared from my stomach as a particularly large rock digs into my stomach. My vision becomes blurry, I could hear their footsteps fading as they walked away laughing. My vision slowly giving way as everything became a blur and I was engulfed into a pit of darkness.


Feet were stomping quickly. The gravel skidding all over the place.
"Oh my gosh! Are you okay!?" A hand resting on my shoulder, suddenly all the pain washed away. I felt a warm panting breath on me, my eyes snapped wide open. A girl that I've never seen before with brunet hair and wide aqua eyes was kneeling down by my side. Startled I sat up quickly. Bad idea! Especially if you've just blacked out! My head began swimming in a pool of pain, her eyes looked at my bright green eyes with concern.
"Thanks for your concern, please don't say I'm late for class" I said softly, my mouth extremely dry. She returned a smile, giggling slightly.
"Don't worry you haven't missed anything, I'm Harper by the way" she added, extending her hand towards me.
"Heath" I say shaking her hand.
"I'm kind of new to this school, so I don't really know my way around. I know that you just woke up from your little nap but would you mind showing me around?" She asked me. It felt strange that for once someone wanted me to show them around the school. That's right you heard me, someone actually wants a loner need like me to show them the school!

"There must be some kind of mistake! Wouldn't someone want someone who is popular and accepted into society tour them around our school? Seriously there has to be huge mistake... a pretty girl wants to talk to me-' I froze, staring up at Harper. Her face turned a furious red.
"-Oh did I just say that out loud" I said abashed, feeling my face warm up. She gave me a smile, her cheeks glowing brighter.
"Thanks no one has called me pretty before" she mumbled, there was an awkward pause, why'd I have to say that out loud? Now I look like a creep. I finally, with the remaining courage and dignity I had left, break the ice.
"You didn't happen to see what happened before did you?" I asked her, she shook her head.
"No I just found you past out. Why did you pass out? What happened?" She asked me looking concerned again. Quick think of a reason that doesn't make you seem like a nerd!
"Um...skateboarding!" I blurted out. Skateboarding? Really? That was all my brain could come up with?
"Then ah where is you skateboard?" She asked. Damn! She's suspicious!
"Er...I don't know" I said shrugging. She raised an eyebrow, looking confused.
'Give me an award for the worst excuse! It's right next to the dog ate it' I thought to myself, face palming myself in the brain.
"Oh. Um okay, about that tour if you don't want to show me around you don't have to." She said still looking flustered, gees I'm such an idiot...
"Oh yeah sorry sure" I said apologetically springing to my feat with the helping hand of Harper.

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