Lost and alone, then found and rescued

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In Africa, early evening(sun is still up). A little girl was lost and all alone in the plains. Out of nowhere; Strange, three, grey, mean dogs circled around me. I tried to fearless and defend myself, but I realised that they were bigger than my size/height. 'Well, what do we have here and why are you so...alone,', said the female dog with streaks. 'Who are you all because I never seen wild animals like you in person', I shiver a little in fear. 'It won't matter to you, you won't see us again anyway', mocked the male dog with a mocking attitude.

Then the dogs started walking towards me as I tried to back away. I tripped behind a little rock, fell on my back then back-crawling and stopped by a huge rock while they were still walking really close to me. 'Oh, please you don't eat me because I'd taste very sour by your first bite and then you'd have to glaze me with sugar!' I persuaded. 'What rubbish, since we do live in a rubbish dump full of dead elephants!' the female dog laughed. 'We are hyenas, in case you don't what we really are,' she added and my eyes widened in huge fear.

Just as the hyena was about close the my leg, I heard a LOUD roar from a lion as it jumped over the rock I was leaning against and started attacking the three hyenas. I covered my face with my arm and shut my eyes tight. After like five minutes, everything was sounding quiet again until I heard a deep voice spoke to me: 'Are you okay?' I was still in my "hiding" position, 'Are the hyenas gone?'. 'Yes and you can open yourself now,' the voice said all confused. I opened myself and to see that a big lion with golden-yellow fur and a massive red mane had actually saved me from the hyenas and was amazed! 'Thank you for saving my life and I owe you it!' I thanked him. The lion smiled: It's a pleasure and one of my many duties of respecting everything in the Circle of Life, even for humans like you. My name is Mufasa, King of the Pridelands.' 'King?', I thought and I immediately went down on one knee, 'Your Majesty!' 'Don't do that, that's unnecessary!', Mufasa laughed as he lifted me up.

'I am lost and I don't where are my mommy and daddy are,' I frowned. 'I'm very sorry for that' Mufasa cheered me and an idea came up in his head. 'Why don't come with me to Priderock and Sarabi and I raise you?' he asked. I gasped, 'Yes please! Where is Priderock and who is Sarabi?' Mufasa explained, 'Priderock is probably a long walk for you if you're tired and Sarabi is my mate and queen. She's really beautiful once you look at her!' I agreed that it would be a long walk on my own and I'm really tired from the heat! 'May I go on your back as you take me there, please?', I asked politely. 'Yes, you may,' he accepted as he sat down waiting me to climb on. Climbing onto a lion's back feels a lot different to a horse, anyways I held onto Mufasa's mane gently as he stood up and started walking down to Priderock.

'Wait a second, I never knew your name!' Mufasa shook his head in realisation. I felt ashamed for what my human parents had done wrong to me. 'I don't have a good name anymore', I said. 'Would you like to make up one? Whatever you decide, because I was thinking calling you Zema? It means 'Queen' in Swahili' he suggested. 'That's nice, I can have a hyphen name because I was thinking my name would by 'Kura'. So, my name will be Kura-Zema! Do you like that?' I chimed. 'Kura-Zema? I love it, clever you!' he agreed. I've taken that as a compliment!

Human lionessWhere stories live. Discover now