What is this place?

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He applied the brake. " Do you want me to drop you to the entrance, or do you still know how to walk ?" said my dad examining the sick expression on my face. The first option, please. No, grow up, now!

" I am going I am going...."

" It seems a big deal but believe me its not, in fact , I'd say you'll miss this place in a years time," said the ever- classy dad.

 I had just passed 9 Th grade  , a mind boggling year I must say, with all the fights, frenemies confusing relationships and what not I was pretty done with socialising.

Here I was in front of ' Solace Coaching Classes ' with its orange delta logo, but hey delta means minute, why did they use that?. Stop you nerd! , get out of the car! " Maybe you are right   ,  I think I remembered how to walk ".

I cross the street to the delta board. Woah .... I think I recognise that scooty , no, not possible.
I had never attended tuitions let alone coaching classes  so this was going to be an alien environment But the nerd inside me was clapping like a retarded seal. Stop staring at the orange delta and get in , gosh!

It's a scrunched up entrance, like a one way, I get to the office first to meet our admin " Oh dear, your prep class has started get in everybody is already seated " No, no please, not so fast.

I am shovelled into a tiny classroom with modern sleek interior and a disappointed professor " Late are we? ", "Sorry sir" I mumble.

I turn my head and Holy crap! 

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