The beginning is always the worst.

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always from the very start beginnings have just been the worst. I was born with a brain problem, and now in the future and made fun of. it's not what you'd expect, my brain problem was different than everyone else's brain problems. weird right. my brain problem others would call a miracle and most would call freakish. I was and still am a major freak. my brain problem was called fearatropoid. I have no clue how they even knew what my problem was. I think, to be honest, they kinda just made it up on the spot, well my mom was balling her eyes out begging to know so what else were they supposed to do. just tell her they have never seen my condition before? maybe it would be for the best. 

"hey, freako" yelled the biggest bully in the school. his name was Collin, he had dark brown hair but it was practically black. his eyebrows were disgusting, they were legit drawn on. and his eyes were brown. he was the  lamest person I knew but he was a bully.

"I have a name you know" I whispered.

"what was that freakish freak?" Collin smirked. 

I just walked away I didn't want to deal with that. I turned around and looked at him to make sure that he wasn't watching or following me. I smirked and turned back and booked it. i was goimg to go a place i felt as though i somewhat belonged. i ran down the halls and got some glares from certin teachers but kept running anyway. i ran into room 115. 

"hello grant, how are you on this fine almost spring day, you know the vernal eqinox is tomorrow so.."

"yeah i know Mr.Edwards, so tomorrow is spring, you told me."

he laughed. he was the only person who quite understood me completely. he was the best math and science teacher i have ever known. he gestered me to sit at one of the tables next to him. 

"so how has life been?" Mr.Edwards chirped

"okay i guess, can we just get on with it." 

you see everyday at lunch i met with Mr.Edwatds in the math classroom. he thought i was special for some reason. he thought i was pecurily smart. he started talking and this is how every single lunch went. he would talk about some grade 12 math or calculus while ihad just started grade 9. and for some odd reason i got it all. every word just seemed to click into my memory. 

" so as you can see the parabola is when the equation is squared, also here in the middle is the vertex." 

"yeah i get it Mr.Edwards." i smirked knowing it all. 

"so still getting picked on Grant?" 

"yeah,still Collin and his billions of friends, and still the same word...Freak.." 

Mr.Edwards looked at his desk and got up. he walked towords it but gestured me to stay where i was. when he came back he had a picture in his hand.

"you see this man grant?" he started off "that was me in grade 9, and oddly i was also called a freak and i was pushed into lockers, ad you know i even tred lowering my grades to stop from being called a smart-alic, but i made that mistake and you cant let that stop you from being who you are, but i think its time for class, cya tomorrow,you remember what tomorrow is right?" 

i blanked out only remembering today "oh my gosh i totally forgot got to go Mr.Edwards,thanks for the amazing topic on parabolas!" 

as i walked home i thought about everything i was going to say. from i was just an innocent boy who was just smart for no reason or that i had something that for some reason made me intellegint.

"okay grant your next" spoke Mrs.Mal

i hugged myself scared of what was in there. in the white room with nothing in it. with coshins on the wall so if we for some reason decided to freak out we could be safe. i walked into the room not knowing but tottaly aware. a big voice came from the microphone in the corner and i saw the woman speaking through the glass. 

"So grant i heard you were bullied a lot and uncontrollably smart." the girl in the white coat said. "does the bullying make you want to go insane?" 

i was terrably confused. mt brain hurt. its like the white stuff on the walls were effecting me. it hurt. i fell to the ground. random words comming into my brain. like "are you scared,cause you better be."

 i didnt like it. i blacked out. later on i woke up in the nurses office.

"grant why did you faint?" the nurse smiled nicly. 

she was thinking to much.
"stop thinking it hurts.." i said akwardly. she looked shocked. why would someone in grade 1 tell her to stop thinking. "i mean i totally get it Mrs.howard you just want you and your husband to get along but you dont need to think about it all the time." 

                                                                                      BACK TO REALITY
i lied in my bed scared of what was for tomorrow. knowing nothing good was coming out of it. i know there going to find me. they will. i kept thinking. tomorrow was the day i went back into the white room.

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