Chapter 28

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{Thank you for 1k reads!! I can't believe this story even made it that far. When I first started (about 2 months ago) I didn't think anyone would read this.}

I realized that I never told my parents I am dating Bradley and if I want to go on this trip with him I should probably tell them. Me and Sarah were talking and said it might be a good idea to tell them about Bradley and her being pregnant at the same time. Just so they aren't focused on just her even though I'm sure they will focus more on her thing more then mine right now. I'm so nervous to find out how they are going to react to Sarah's thing. I can't imagine how Sarah feels. We also decided to not invite Bradley and Peyton over for this.
I walk into Sarah's room. She is in her room looking in the mirror

"Ready?" I ask.

"No. Are you?" She asks.

"I'm more nervous for you too tell them your thing then me to tell them about Bradley" I say.

"We still need to tell Shannon too" I say.

"We will tell her about me soon. You can tell her about you and Bradley whenever you want" She says.

"Ok. I'm going to first to tell mom and dad" I say.

"Let's just go and get this over with." She says.

Both of us walk downstairs. I'm so nervous. Our mom and dad are sitting on the couch watching tv.

We both sit on the other couch together.

"Hey mom and dad. I need to tell you something." I say.

"I do too" Sarah's says.

"I'm going first though" I say.

"Go ahead" My mom says. She sounded very concerned.

"Remember Bradley? The kid that I did homework with that day" I say. I know my mom remembers him because she remembers all my friends.

"Yeah. We remember him" My dad says.

"Well me and him have been dating for like 2 weeks now" I say

"Congrats!" My mom says. She always loves me and my sisters friends and boyfriends.

"Thanks" I say. Sarah is just watching us. She is probably so nervous and can't find the words she wants to say.

"Do you want to invite him and his family over for dinner one day next week" My dad asks.
"Yeah. I'll ask him later" I say.

"What did you want to tell us Sarah?" My mom asks.

She freezes for a minute. I put my arm around her for support.

"Um well this is kind of big and I'm probably going to be in a lot of trouble" She starts.

"Just tell them. Don't ramble" I say.

"I'm having a baby" She says while looking at the ground and she is about to cry. She didn't see there facial expressions but I did. They didn't look mad like I thought they would be. I couldn't really read what they were thinking. It was silent for about 30 seconds.

"I'm sorry" Sarah says.

"It's ok" My mom says very softly and she looked like she was fighting back tears too. My mom gets up and hugs Sarah really tight. Now we are just waiting for my dads reaction.

"Dad?" I ask.

"Yes" He says and looks up. He kind of had the same reaction as Peyton with being speechless.

"What do you think?" I ask because I know Sarah wants to know what he is thinking.

"I don't know. I'm not really mad but kind of disappointed and I just don't know. We will talk more about it later" He says.

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