Chapter 34

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{I'm updating a lot because I want to finish this book before the end of June}

Today is the day of the family dinner with me and Bradley's families. Honestly, I am so nervous. I've met his parents before and he has met mine but our parents have never met each other. Sarah did decide she was going to come I guess even though this is her house so she kind of has to unless she leaves and goes to Peyton's or something.

So me and Sarah are going to get ready together. Then him and his parents should be here around 6. My parents have been cooking almost all day. It's 4 o'clock now and me and Sarah are going to start getting ready.

We get ready and that takes about a hour then we go downstairs and watch tv and wait for Bradley's family.

Then at almost 6 o'clock they arrive. Ones of them knocks on the door and my mom answers it. Me and Sarah are still sitting on the couch so we got up and Bradley and his family walks in.

"Hi" I say to him and smile a little.

"Hi" He says back.

Everyone does the whole introducing themselves thing. Then the parents go into the kitchen to talk and me, Bradley and Sarah stay in the living room. Me and Bradley sit on a couch together and Sarah sits on a couch alone. She probably feels like such a third wheel right now.

The 3 of us sat and talked for a while then a unexpected visitor busted through the door.

"I'm home!!" My sister, Shannon yelled. Sarah jumped up as fast as she could and hugged her. I guess Sarah missed her a lot or something I got up too and Bradley stood up after I did and stood next to me. Sarah let go and I hugged her. We said hi and everything then Shannon noticed Bradley.

"Who's this?" Shannon asked.

"I'm Bradley, Sabrina's boyfriend" Bradley said.

Shannon looked at me then back at Bradley. "That's adorable. I'm Shannon. It's nice to meet you" She said.

"Nice to meet you too" Bradley said back.

"Come on, mom and dad are going to be so excited you are here" Sarah says and pretty much pulls Shannon into the kitchen.

"How come I didn't know you have another sister?" Bradley asked.

"I forgot to tell you about her. She goes to college in Pennsylvania so she obviously doesn't live here. She wanted to stay there for the summer but said she was going to come back for a week or two. She didn't tell us she was coming, it was a surprise I guess" I say.

"That's cool. I don't have any siblings" Bradley says.

"I know" I say

"Does Shannon know about Sarah and the baby?" Bradley asks.

"I have no idea. But if she doesn't that's probably why Sarah is so excited she is her and it's not my place to tell her either" I say.

"Ok" He says.

About 15 minutes later my mom calls us in for dinner. Sarah and Shannon were still in the kitchen.

Everyone goes into the dinning room and my mom and dad cooked this huge meal for everyone. We all start eating and everyone is talking. It was nothing to big. Me and Bradley got asked a few questions about our relationship, we got questions about if we are excited to go back to school and all of us said no. So yeah it was simple.

After dinner me, Bradley, Sarah and Shannon went back into the living room. Me and Bradley sat on one couch and Sarah and Shannon sat on the other. I guess Shannon is replacing Peyton for the night.

I decided to text Sarah asking her if Shannon knew about her being pregnant

Me: Does Shannon know about the baby?

Sarah: No. I'm going to tell her later. Will you be there with me please?

Me: I think you should do it on your own but if you really want me there then I will.

Sarah: Thank you

After that everyone ate desert. Then about a half an hour later Bradley and his family said they were leaving.

Everyone says goodbye and everything and Bradley hugged me. I didn't think he wanted to kiss me like on the cheek in front of everyone. I knew he would have because of our let's take it a little bit faster thing.

So they leave and me, Sarah and Shannon go upstairs and into Sarah's room. I'm assuming that we are going to go in there to tell Shannon. We go in the room and Sarah goes in last then closes the door behind her.

Me and Sarah sit on her bed and Shannon sits at Sarah's desk. We talk for a little bit. Then about 10 minutes into the conversation Sarah stands up.

"Ok. I need to tell you something" Sarah says to Shannon.

"What is it?" She asks and looks at me for a second.

"I'm having a baby" Sarah says not looking at Shannon and a little quiet.

"Really?" Shannon says and you could hear the excitement in her voice.

Sarah looked up. I think she was surprised by her reaction. Everyone has been excited about this but is just keeping it a secret for some reason. I also think that she has been putting off telling Rowan because we both know Rowan will have a total freak out and be really happy and excited.

"Yeah" Sarah says and smiles. Then Shannon goes and hugs her.

In the middle the hug Shannon said "Wait so she has a secret boyfriend I didn't know about and you have a secret baby I didn't know about"

"Yeah pretty much" Sarah says and let's go.

"I really need to come out here more so I don't miss big stuff like this" Shannon says.

I would think that should would be mad that we didn't tell her sooner but I guess not.

"Do you guys want to have like a sister day tomorrow?" Sarah asks.

"You have that doctors appointment tomorrow morning" I say.

"Oh yeah I forgot about that. What about just like after" Sarah asks.

"Sure" I say.

"Can I come to the appointment?" Shannon asks.

"Yeah" Sarah says.

The rest of the night we all sat up talking about so many things. Then at like 10:00 I went into my room to go to bed and Shannon went into the guest room.

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