Chapter 37

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So today was the second day of school. Nothing really happened. It was all just teachers talking again since it's a Friday and they didn't want to start anything.

So it's about 9:00 and I'm sitting in my bed watching tv when I hear something hit my window. I immediately think that it is Bradley trying to do some cheesy movie thing like he always does.

I get up and go to the window and I was right.
I open the window and yell "What are you doing here" I laugh a little towards the end.

"Come down. Let's go somewhere" Bradley says.

"I'll be down in a minute" I say and close the window.

I go get my shoes on and go outside and he is waiting in the front yard.

"Where are we going" I ask while walking up to him.

"I don't know. I just thought we could do something since it's Friday" He says.

"Ok let's go" I say and we start walking into town and holding hands.

We get there and I have no idea what we are about to do.

"Want to go get ice cream?" Bradley asks.

"Sure" I say and we go into the ice cream shop.
I get cookie dough and he gets chocolate and they we go back outside and walk around for a little bit. We go into a few stores and look around. It was really nice.

"Want to go home now?" Bradley asks.

"Sure" I say and we start walking back to my house. We get there and go up to the front porch.

"Thanks for letting me kidnap you for a hour" Bradley says.

"Your welcome. I had fun" I say and smile a little bit.

"Me too" He says and leans in and kisses me. After about 30 seconds I pull away.

"Bye Bradley" I say.

"Bye B" Bradley says.

I go inside and Sarah is standing there wait me for me. I didn't tell her I was leaving.

"Where were you?" Sarah asks.

"In town with Bradley" I say.

"And you didn't tell me" She says.

"Why do you need to know every where I go? I don't know every where you go" I say.

"Because your the little sister so I'm supposed to know everything you do and your not supposed to know everything I do" Sarah says. I could make so many mean jokes about her whole pregnancy thing right now but I'm not going to because it will just start problems.

"Are you like mad at me or something?" I ask.

"No. I just didn't like not knowing where you are but it does make me feel a little better that Bradley was with you" She says.

"Why?" I ask.

"Because I know he will protect you and do anything for you" She says.

"I never thought about that before" I say.

"Well you should" Sarah says.

"Do you think about it with you and Peyton" I ask.

"Yeah like all the time" She says.

"Ok. I'm going to go upstairs and go to bed" I say and we both start walking upstairs.
We get to our rooms (which are across the hall from each other)

"Goodnight" I say.

"Goodnight" She says and goes into her room and I go into mine.

{I have my next 5 or 6 chapters planned out. I'm going to do about 1 or 2 on like the whole school finding out about Sarah being pregnant because I have kinda a good idea for that then so a little time jump to Halloween. Then after that about 1 or 2 filler chapters all about Brabrina (maybe a Disneyland trip story line) then after that Bradley's birthday. I'm going to start moving the storyline along}

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