Happy Birthday

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Chapter VII {3rd Person}

"Johnny. Johnny. Johnny. Johnny."


Jimmy tugged at is boyfriend's hand. "Look. Ducks."

"Well, that's to be expected. At a pond. Where kids go to feed ducks," Johnny replied sassily, getting Jimmy to roll his eyes. "It's your birthday. Go chase them."

"WOO!" Jimmy screeched, going after the flock.

As he ran off, Johnny answered his ringing phone. "Sup, Matty?"

"We still set for today?" Matt asked, glancing over at where Val and Zack were giggling and filling balloons with helium and glitter.


Matt couldn't hear Jimmy's response, but he could hear him laughing.


Jimmy screeched and threw the bird, which was quaking angrily. Johnny sighed and cradled his cell between his head and shoulder. "One sec, Shads. Dammit, Jimmy, what if it has rabies?"

"Doesn't have teeth," Jimmy muttered, examining the bruise on his arm.

"Did it break skin? See, there's blood. Dammit, James," Johnny sighed again. Then he addressed his friend on the other line. "I'm gonna take Jim to a walk-in clinic just to be safe- idiot got bit by a duck-" Matt laughed. "-so we'll come bother you after that- NO. IM NOT KISSING YOU UNTIL I KNOW YOU DONT HAVE RABIES- NO JIMMY ST- ugh, I'll call you back, Matty."

"Alright dude-"

"LET ME TALK TO MATTY!" Jimmy yelled.




"Bye!" Matt yelled, laughing as he hung up. Val and Zack sent him questioning looks. "Jimmy got bit by a duck."

"Dipshit," Val laughed.

At the walk-in clinic, Jimmy sat impatiently while they readied up a needle. Since he wasn't sure what shots he'd gotten as a child, they decided it'd be better safe than sorry, so they were gonna give him the vaccine. "This is dumb," he grumbled just before the nurse reentered. Johnny just hummed in response. "It's my birthday, why do I have to get a shot?"

"It's your birthday, you're lucky you haven't been shot."

"Why would anyone ever want to shoot me?" Jimmy teased as the nurse wiped his arm, prepping the place for the injection.

"I'm about ready to shoot you," Johnny laughed, rolling his eyes.

"JESUS CHRIST," Jimmy shrieked as she gave him the shot with no warning. It was done as fast as it started, but his arm was all achy. It was even the same side as the duck bite.

"There, now lets go to Shads's place now." They went up front, and Johnny pulled out his wallet, groaning. "You expensive shit. Why'd you have to go get bit by a duck?"

"It wanted me to take it home."

Johnny rolled his eyes, forked over his cash, and they left for Matt's. On their way, he shot Matt a warning text that they were headed over so he better be ready.

Matt bit his lip. Brian hasn't shown yet, and he was supposed to bring Jimmy's cake and- aw, fuck it, they'd make do.

"MATTY!" Jimmy hollered as he swung the front door open, stepping into the Sanders house. "M- oh my gosh." His charcoal-rimmed eyes widened at the sight of the fifty-ish balloons and the table of food and presents and the banner that read, 'HAPPY 18th, JIMMY!' "Oh my gosh, guys," he grinned.

"Happy birthday!" Val, Matt, and Zack chorused, enveloping their friend in a group hug. Johnny stood in the doorway, arms crossed, grinning.

"Where's BriBri?" Jimmy asked suddenly, looking around for his best friend.

"Uh, we aren't exactly sure, to be honest..." Matt scratched the back of his neck. "He hasn't answered his phone all day."

"BUM BUM BA DUUUUUMMM!" They all turned to see Brian and Michelle pushing a huge cart up the driveway. "Le piece de resistance!" Bri shouted in the worst fake French accent.

"Your cake, my good man!" Michelle laughed, tugging it through the door and pulling the cover off the cart with a flourish.

"Oh my gosh," Jimmy laughed, taking in the four-tier homemade cake.

"We've been working all day," Brian explained, hugging the birthday boy.

"Gena helped frost it, since we were running out of time," Michelle added, giving Zacky an apologetic look as he grimaced at the sound of his ex's name.

"Can we eat it now?" Jimmy bounced up and down on his toes. "We should eat it without forks and see who can finish cleanest."

"I bet on Z," Johnny smirked.

Zacky snorted. "Fuck you, what are you implying?"

They all laughed, then settled into party mode.

As the sun was setting, Matt had broken into his parents' liquor cabinet as well as the pack of Bud he'd smuggled into his room the week before. A few drinks in, and Johnny and Jimmy were curled on the couch, Matt and Val on the love seat, and Michelle, Brian, and Zack all on the floor. The TV was scrolling credits to a movie none of them had watched. Jimmy squinted, staring hard at Zacky. "Yo, dude, where'd you get that hickey?"

The other five, considerably less drunk, turned to look at Zacky, who was holding a hand to his neck to cover up where his concealer was fading. "Who've you been hanging out with?" Matt asked, snorting.

"You got a girlfriend?" Brian grinned.

"Who did it?"

Zacky blushed and drew his knees to his chest. "It was a one-time thing in ISS..."

"Who was it?" Michelle felt Brian tense beside her, and she frowned, unsure of his reaction.

"F- you guys won't laugh at me? Ugh, you'll laugh no matter who I say. But it was, honest to God, Frank Iero."

"No way!"

"Isn't he dating that Mikey kid?"

"I thought he was dating Mikey's older brother."

"The comic book artist?"

"Gerard Way is cool as fuck," Jimmy stated. He gave Zacky a thumbs up. "Congrats on coming out of the closet, by the way. Haha, by- bi. Get it? He's bi." The drummer giggled at himself.

"I-I'm not bi," Zacky mumbled, ducking his head. "I'm just... Gay."

"Welcome to the club. You got more booze?" Johnny turned to Matt, who shrugged and shook his head.

"I wanna give Zacky a hickey. That's what I want for my birthday," Jimmy giggled. "Johnnyyyyy can I give Zee-bear a hickey? Better than Frank Iero's?"

Johnny fidgeted, not answering. He knew Jimmy was drunk as hell, but still...

"I'm totes gonna do it. C'mere, Zack. Lemme see your neck. I vant to suck your blad." Both teenagers burst into furious giggles as Zack turned his head to let Jimmy attack his neck. Johnny turned away, forcing himself not to watch his boyfriend make out with another guy.

"That's enough, James," Brian suddenly commanded softly, underlying threat to his tone.

"Butt!" Jimmy stuck his tongue out at his best friend.

"I know you're drunk, but that doesn't excuse the fact that you have a boyfriend."

"You just want to be the only or who gets to have ZeeZee!" Jimmy accused. "Sharing his caring!" He giggled.

Johnny stood up suddenly, running his hands down his face before he stalked out of the room.

"Dammit, Jimmy," Matt huffed as Val got up to go check on the other boy.

A/N: oh my gosh it wasn't supposed to get all angsty I'm so sorry??!? But at least opportunity for fluff later? Maybe???
Also: Synacky? Yay or nay? In or out? Idk if I should add that in here or what
(Wow, is there a- a PLOT showing through? What is this nonsense?)

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