tell your boyfriend if he says he's got beef...

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Chapter IX {3rd Person}

Third-hall bathrooms, cracked walls, Metallica and blink lyrics vandalizing the stalls, two out of three of which are out of order. Johnny’s got the whole spiel memorized in his inner monologue because of the amount of times he finds himself here, in the third stall. Not as often, however, as Jimmy, but often enough that they stopped calling his parents about it when he skipped class. He was there now, passing a cigarette with Zacky, who had entered the bathroom shaking but now seemed thoroughly calm.

“So,” he sighed, turning to look at his raven-haired friend. “What’s up?”

Zack just shrugged evasively and took another drag from the cigarette.

“C’mon, Z.”

“Just… I just panic sometimes, y’know? Out of nowhere. Dunno why or what I’m even panicking about, but I just gotta… leave,” he finally sighed, stubbing out the cig and lightly hitting his head against the wall behind them.

Johnny sat in silence for a bit, thinking about it, tongue running over his gums, wondering what it was that had triggered Zacky’s anxiety. “Everything okay at home?”

“Good as ever.” His sarcastic tone was bullshit-- everyone loved Mrs. Baker, the woman was a goddess; so Johnny laughed and laughed until he started coughing too hard to laugh anymore. “What was so funny about that?” Z asked, grinning slightly.

“Dunno. Just feels good to laugh. You should laugh more often, we’re all sick of your seriousness bullshit.” Johnny elbowed his friend in the ribs.

“Shut the fuck up,” Zacky laughed, elbowing him back.


Out in the hall, the bell rang, signalling the end of the period. Both boys rose and exited the bathroom, about to part ways.

“Hey,” Johnny called back, grabbing Zack’s hoodie sleeve. “Is Brian okay? He’s been acting kinda weird lately.”

Hurt flickered across the other boy’s face and he shook his bangs in front of his eyes and looked at his beat-up Converse. “I dunno. He’s being distant.” With that, he tugged away from Johnny and became part of the swarm going down the hall to class.

Frowning, Johnny turned around and started walking to his own class, only to be joined moments later by Jimmy, who threw an arm around his boyfriend’s shoulders.

“How are you today, darling?” Jimmy asked in a pompous fake accent.


Jimmy dropped the playful tone and pulled Johnny closer. “What’s up?”

“I think Bri and Z are fighting or something,” he admitted, leaning into the taller boy’s side as they walked.

“I can fix it!”

“We don’t even know for sure what’s going on.”

“So? I can find out and then fix it!”

Johnny rolled his eyes but smiled at Jimmy’s enthusiasm. “Okay. Well, this is my class, so-”

Letting go, Jimmy waved before continuing to roam the halls. He had a study hall this period, and the teacher was super chill, so he’d probably be able to get away with coming in late. Besides, the halls were so much more interesting than the classrooms. He liked being able to move rather than sit stuck in a stuffy room without windows or air conditioning. The art wing was particularly interesting, new projects always being put up by the different classes. Jimmy found himself in front of a photography series capturing several shots of a bonfire on the beach. That’d be fun… he thought absently, seconds later struck by one of the most genious ideas that he’d ever had (in the past 12-24 hours-ish).

Oh yes, this was gonna be great. Weekend at the beach about four hours south with his four best friends. And now that he was eighteen… Oh yeah. This was gonna be absolutely fan-fucking-tastic.

Meanwhile, Brian Haner Jr. was seated in his math class glaring daggers into the back of Frank Iero’s head because, ugh, how dare he give my best friend a hickey?

Frank glanced over his shoulder and returned the glare. He didn’t know what kind of beef Haner had with him, but there was no way in hell he was gonna actually talk to the dude about it. Brian scared the shit out of the shorter guy. He turned back around and crossed his arms, shifting uncomfortably. Haner had been glaring at him for the whole period, and it was making him uneasy. God knows what he did. Whatever.

In English, Johnny was dozing when suddenly his phone buzzed, making him snap his head up. No one else noticed, so he sneakily checked the text under his desk.

Jimmy: Im picking u up 30 mins after school.  b packed n ready by then. xoxo

Me: ?????

Jimmy: (; dont worry, bae

Jimmy: just have ur shit packed by 330

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