Chapter Eight

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"I think I'm going to go to hogsmede today?" Bella asked, twirling her hair. She had gotten properly used to her new body, she missed her old self, but had gotten used to her. It still confused her, though, how could she wake up every morning with strait hair? Like, how is that even possible? She was so used to her hair being literally everywhere, waking up like a werewolf every morning because her hair had gotten out of control. She didn't miss it. She needed to focus on meeting the dark lord today though, and wanted to go as soon as possible.

"Yeah, I was thinking about going too, I need to get some fudge for...someone's birthday." Hermione said. "I'll go with you, when are you going?"

Great, now the mudbloods coming Bella thought. "Oh, I don't really know, do you want to go now?" She asked. Maybe if they went early, Bella could wait her out and she'd eventually get bored. "Let's go."


"What kind of fudge do you think I should get? He said he like fudge, but I never knew there were so many types? What do you think a boy would want?" Hermione asked.

"Who is this for, anyway?" Bella asked, really not caring, but trying to start dead conversation.

"Oh, no one." Hermione said, going red. "Just a boy."

"Is it Ron?" Bella asked.

"Steph, you know it's not Ron's birthday for ages!" Hermione laughed. "I'll tell you who it is, only if you promise never to tell anyone."

"Yeah, okay, I promise." Bella said with fake enthusiasm.

"It's Draco, I know it sounds crazy...but I kinda like him...I know its mad but-"

"YOU WHAT!" Bellatrix yelled, suddenly being very aware that she was talking about her nephew. How dare a mudblood like a Malfoy? This was unheard of... "You like Draco?"

"Kind of...we're kind of nicer to each other now...and, it's probably just a crush...but I don't know, I wanted to get him something." Hermione shrugged, she'd gone really red.

"You do realise that he could never be with you? I mean, I've never met his family or anything, but I'm pretty sure they hate you already because your a mudblood." She said.

"Did you call me a mudblood?" Hermione said in shock.

"Oh, sorry, I'm just used to calling myself that I guess." Bella lied, looking down sadly. "I'm sorry."

"Oh, Stephie! That's so sad!" Hermione said, hugging her tightly, making Bella want to punch her slightly.

"Actually, there was something I wanted to by myself for like half an hour, do you want me to meet you back in the common room?" Bella said sadly, hoping Hermione had enough sympathy to let her go.

"Yeah, okay." Hermione nodded. "I'll see you in half an hour."


Bella walked into an alley in Hogsmede where she wouldn't be seen, she knew she couldn't be standing in plain view if she was meeting the dark lord. She wasn't quite sure if there was a particular place he wanted her to go, but apparently she'd got it right because he appeared behind her.


Bella almost screamed, she didn't realize he was there, but then she tried to calm herself down. "My Lord, is there something you wish to discuss with me?" Bella said, kneeling down and looking at the floor.

"Have you made any progress?" Voldemort. "With the Potter boy?"

"Well, I have become good friends with the Granger girl, one of his closest friends, and are slowly getting closer to him." Bella said. "I hope that this is up to your standard, my lord."

"Yes, but try and advance quicker in future." Voldemort said bluntly. "Do you have anything you want to ask me?"

"Actually, yes, my lord, but only if that's okay." Bella said, receiving a nod. "I was wondering what to do when my pregnancy comes to an end."

"You have the baby at Hogwarts." He said. "Anything else?"

"I'm sorry, my lord, what do you mean?" Bella asked. "Won't I be able to go and see my family when the baby comes, take time to look after it?"

"No. You have other commitments, you should have thought about that when you accepted the job." He replied. "Goodbye Bellatrix, I'll see you soon." He apparated away.

Bellatrix was going to go strait back, but she just leant against the brick wall. How could she have the baby at Hogwarts? her lord really didn't care, she may not see Narcissa and Rodolphus when she had her baby. How was that even going to work? She was finding it difficult enough to act like nothing was happening and she wasn't even supposed to be showing yet, she had never been pregnant before, but the idea was already daunting. What had she got herself into...


"Stephanie, what took you so long, Mione said you'd be back like an hour ago." Harry asked her, he was sitting alone in the common room. "Mione and Ron went down to the library for something."

Bella had never been in the same room as Harry on her own, if it had been any other day she would have taken the opportunity to get to know him, but instead she just burst into tears. Harry tried to help her, but he had no idea. She cried and cried, she regretted taking the job, she just wanted to be back at home with Narcissa and Rodolphus, crucioing the odd mudblood, and in general being happy. She wanted to go home.

"Stephanie, can I tell you something?" Harry asked.

"What is it?"

"Whatever happens, no matter what, I'll be your friend, I promise."

"No matter what?"



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