Chapter Nine

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Bella lay on her bed staring into darkness. She was still in her clothes but there were too many thoughts in her head that she had no energy to do anything. Anything. Anything. Harry's voice echoed in her head. Without warning, she burst into tears.

She hadn't done what the dark lord had asked her to do and she should feel ashamed but she didn't. She was meant to get close to Harry and his friends but not emotionally attached to them. They were all so nice, nicest people she's ever met and Bellatrix didn't like nice people but she felt like she had changed. All she wanted to do was stay here, at Hogwarts.

Voldemort didn't care about her. Didn't care how she'd have the baby, didn't care about the risks she's in. She had gotten used to that but since having new friends her feelings have changed. She still missed Narcissa and Rodolphus a lot of course, even Lucius. But they were her only "friends" out there. No one else.

Suddenly she jumped of the bed and drew the curtains, and ran across the room to get some parchment and ink. She grabbed them and right there on the floor, she started writing.

Narcissa and Rodolphus
Please meet me by your fireplace at one thirty in the morning. It's urgent.

She folded it small as possible and ran out of the room. On the stairs she accidentally bumped into Hermione.

"I thought you were in- Stephie?" She said as Bella ignored her and ran straight past. "Are you ok?" She heard hermione shout after her.

Bella got to the Owlery and tried to find an owl. She found one that looked pretty healthy and whispered "Please be quick as you can" and petted it on the head. The owl flew off.

"Hey! You're new aren't you?" A voice said behind her. She was quite small and had a quite strong Scottish accent. Bella have seen her around before though she was never smiling. "I'm Cho, by the way. I'm in sixth year. I've seen you around with Harry."

"Oh... Hi. I'm Stephanie." She said. She noticed that Cho's eyes were red as if she was crying. "Are you ok?"

"Huh? Me? Yeah! Of course. I'm sorry I need to send this." Cho looked away from her and looked for an owl. As Bella walked out, she gave Cho a quick smile.

She got to the common room. It was still quite busy as it was still quite early. She saw her friends and walked over. They seemed to be in deep conversation again.

"Steph! I was worried about you." Called Hermione.

"Oh, I just needed to send something. Guys? Who's Cho? I just bumped into her. She seemed to be a bit bothered." Bella asked. Suddenly everyone looked at Harry and he blushed.

"Cho's basically Harry's crush" Ron smirked. Harry smacked him in the arm. "But she had a boyfriend called Cedric Diggory. I don't know if you know but he died... In the Triwizard tournament last year. It's hurt her bad. She's so upset."

"Oh god, that sounds awful.. I'm so sorry." Said Bella. Of course she recognised the name Cedric. She and seen him in the prophet and from the death eater meetings. At the time she laughed about it. That stupid boy she had thought. But she realised that she meant that apology. What is happening to her?

"Yeah. Things are quite difficult right now. You know I kind of miss him. He actually wasn't as bad I thought-" Started Ron. Then they were in discussion. Bella just sat there and nodded along, although she did not acknowledge anything they were saying. She was deep in thought. Again. I'm going crazy. What the hell is happening to me??


They were in potions class. Professor Snape was strutting around the classroom as usual, analysing everyone's work. He scolded Harry and Ron for chopping the plant the wrong way, fixed Neville's potion as it went wrong and complimented Draco saying that 'he knew what he was doing'. This was almost their routine. Hermione usually is almost done by this time but today her hair had puffed up more than usual and her potion was making an awful noise.

"Now, now, now, Miss Granger. What is that noise coming from your potion?" Sneered Professor Snape. Crabbe and Goyle giggled, although Draco didn't join in.

"I'm sorry, sir. I think I accidentally put the wrong ingredients my mistake." Hermione whispered.

This was very unusual for Hermione. However today was Draco's birthday and she was planning to give him the fudge that she had bought. Being honest, she had no idea why she was so nervous, as she's usually confident around him. She kept looking over at him and he would catch her eye and that would make her go off track.

Finally the bell rang and Hermione put away her book and ran out of the classroom. Bella ran after her.

"Hermione? Are you ok?" Said Bella catching her breath. " I thought you said that you'd wait for me to go to dinner..."

"Oh yeah! I'm so sorry. Well you're here now" Hermione smiled. Bella gave her a very confused look and she just opened her mouth when Dean Thomas and Seamus Finnegan came up to her and asked her about a Charms homework that they had to do. As they sat down at the table and the boys went away, Bella finally asked the question that she wanted to ask.

"What is wrong with you today? Is there something wrong?" Asked Bella. She was concerned as Hermione was always there for her and she thought she should return the favour.

"Oh nothing. Just you know... Lots of homework." Hermione said quickly.

"Yeah right..." Said Bella. "Is this about Malfoy? Are you nervous?" She whispered. 

"What? No. Why would I be nervous?" She laughed it off.

"Because you like him" Bella smiled. "Look, I know you think you are very confident and you'll have no problem talking to him, but I think you like him more than you think you do. Just go up to him and give the present he'll appreciate it. "

"But what if he doesn't like me. I mean... I'm a muggle born and-" Hermione said nervously.

"It'll be fine. I know Draco. From the way you guys talk, I think he likes you too." Assured Bella.

"How do you know him?"

"Oh... Um. I don't really. I just know.... Boys..."

"Okay! Thanks Steph!" Hermione quickly finished her meal and skipped out of the hall.

I'm so sorry I haven't updated in ages. I'll make sure I'll update more often!

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